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In this morning's Goan Observer Lambert Mascarenhas writes a VIEWPOINT


<The secular forces in Goa must now realize that the poison of communalism cannot be eradicated from the body politic, merely by rhetoric, rebuttal and declamations. The secularism-believing elements must form a cadre of young men, dedicated, honest and determined to wrest this poisonous trend >


TOO LATE Mr. Mascarenhas TOO LATE

If there were signs of a preventable disease - and the Doctors SAT ON THE FENCE and instead of doing what they could, the DOCTORS would be rightly sued and punished for negligence.

Parents are blamed IF their young children go astray

Teachers are blamed if their students consistently perform poorly.

What do you think about THOSE who write stories and editorials in the Newspapers - and form political opinions of the young, Mr. Mascarenhas?


The poison of communalism is NOT a new phenomenon .... is it?

WHAT did you do when you had the opportunity as Editor of Navhind Times and later the Publisher and Editor of Goa Today?

What did our Goa Patrakars who followed you....do?

Don't tell me that you expected non-Goan Patrakars to do anything about it?

As far as I am concerned, You Mr. Mascarenhas SAT on the FENCE. You never bothered to truly revisit the plight of Goans who struggled in their own little Land which continued to Sorrow and Bleed.

Thank God for the likes of Rajan Narayan and Ethel da Costa

And Thank God for the likes of Floriano Lobo, Goa Suraj folks, Datta Naik and Francisco Colaco.

But...trust me.....it is too late.

The Communal Forces have come to stay. Now, there is nothing You or anyone else can do to get the BJP out.

As the saying goes: Beware of inviting the Snake to get rid of the pesky Rats. After gobbling the rats, the Snake will bite you!

You invited the Snake, You suffer the bite. Pity that the Snake will bite others too.


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