Not that many moons ago, I had complained about my son having
sustained torn ligaments at a football tournament, organized by the
G.O.A. (U.K.) Ltd. There was at least one, Goanetter i.e. Miguel 
Braganza, who felt my gripe was because my son was injured.

Well I have news for Miguel and the rest of the Goanetters and the
Goan community, World wide. Another incident occured at a football
tournament organized for youngsters; another case of a torn ligament
and no first aid kit! I had received a letter of assurance that the
Board would take on board my concerns about having a first aid kit,
after my first complaint. Please read my latest, letter of complaint:

Dear N***a,
Please, kindly bring my complaint to the G.O.A. Board. At the recently
held football tournament, once again a youngster had torn ligaments.
While I am not out to prejudge the incidence; I find it shocking that
once again there was no first aid kit available.
I was informed after my last complaint that the Board would take on
board my concerns and that a first aid kit would be provided for all
future sports sponsored by the G.O.A.
As a life Member, I am dismayed at the careless attitude displayed. I
shall be the first to testify should this or any other future
incidents take place which may result in a Court case.
Also please bring to the Board's attention the non suitability and the
woeful condition of the Le Franc grounds and it inappropriateness for
holding athletics and football tournaments.

P.S. Will the Board carry on regardless with their Sports day? This
will be an open invitation, should someone get injured, due to the
poor state of the grounds to seek compensation.

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