CUNCOLIM JAN 25 2005;- THE maintenance work on the  martyrs chapel of 
Cuncolim  is going. The chapel  is dedicated to the five Jesuit priests who 
fell prey to the Cuncolim revolt along with four other lay men at the hands of 
the Cuncolim people.

Another chapel stands at the site where the priests and lay man bodies were 
dumped after being murdered at Cuncolim. The site is the present day 
Maddicotto chapel dedicated to St. Francis Xavier.

Subsequently 16 chieftains of Cuncolim village were invited to the Assolna 
fort for peace talks and subsequently murdered by the Portuguese. Of the 
sixteen only one escaped and swam to safety to recount the suffering and 
torture of the ordeal at the hands of the Portuguese.

Thereafter The peoples movement of disobedience and opposing the Portuguese  
started in 1559-and went on till 1583 in Cuncolim.

the five priests who died at Cuncolim included Fr Rudolf Aquaviva who once 
served in the  court of the Moghul emperor giving him disclosures on the 
Christian faith, others priests who died and whose painting adore the chapel 
at Cuncolim include Afonso Pachecho, Antonio Francisco ,Pedr Berno , and 
Francisco Aranha.

Others lay man who were killed were Alphonso Da Costa, Farancisco rodrigues, 
Domongos Aguair and Father Berno's altar boy.

The five priests who were massacred at Cuncolim were Rudolf Acquaviv was born 
in 1550. He came to Goa from Portugal in  September 1578 after being  ordained 
as a priest He was appointed to the chair of philosophy which he taught for 
about year. For about three years at the Akbar's court for religious 
discussion. He was, appointed superior at the end of June 1583
ALPHONSUS PACHECO was born about 1551, of a noble family of Toledo in Spain, 
and entered the Society in September1567.  In September, 1574, 'he arrived in 
Goa, where: he so distinguished himself by his rare prudence and virtue that 
in 1578 he was sent to Europe on important business. Returning to India in 
1581, with l3 new missionaries among whom were Jerome xavier, and Anthony 
Franciso his fellow-martyr, he was made rectors of the Rachol mission. He 
accompanied two punitive expedition of the Portuguese to the village of 
Cuncolim, and was instrumental in destroying the pagodas there. He was vicar 
of Margao church

PETER BERND was born of humble parents in 1550 at Ascona, a Swiss vi1lage at 
the foot of the Alps. After being ordained priest in Rome, he entered ,the 
Society of Jesus in 1577. Arrived in Goa in October 1579 and was soon 
appointed to Salcete, He accompanied as chaplain the expeditions to Cuncolim, 
and assisted in destroying the pagan temples. He was vicar of Colva church.

ANTHONY' FRANCISCO, was  born in 1553. Studied at Coimbra in Portugal and 
joined the Society in.1571. He accompanied Fr. Pacheco to India in 1581 and 
was shortly afterwards ordained priest in Goa. He was vicar of Orlim Church.

FRANCIS ARANHA was born of a, wealthy and noble family of  Braga. in Portugal, 
about 1551, and went to India with his uncle, the first Archbishop of Goa, Don 
Gaspar there he joined the Society of Jesus as lay brother in November, 1571. 
Being a skilled draughtsman and architect, he built several fine chapels in the
Salcete Mission.        .

        There are only five names recorded by history of five lay'"'
man killed which are the following;
1 Afonso Da Costa, a native of Margao was 14 years old. He was a student of 
Rachol school.

2. Francisco Rodrigues, a native of Loutolim Salcete, about 20 years of age 
was residing in Rachol at the time of his massacre. He was a tax collector of 

3. Paulo Da Costa, about 20 to 25 years of age, a native of Rachol. He was 
known as father procurator or tutor of new converts.

4. Gonsalo Rodrigues was a Portuguese of European nationality. In Rachol he 
used to serve as a secretary of Portuguese authorities.

DOMINIC AGUIAR --"Dominic a boy of Cuncolim and a student at Rachol always 
accompanied Fr Berno in his expeditions.

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