It was nice to have Dr Stuart Allan <s.allan at> and Dr Prasun Sonwalkar <prasun.sonwalkar at> sharing their ideas on journalism with us last weekend, at a function held at Fundacao Oriente.

        Prasun studied in Goa, worked in the Times of India,
        and then was based in London, as a journalist. Like
        our good friend Debasish Munshi (now also a Doctor),
        one of the best TOI journalists ever posted in Goa,
        Prasun too left journalism for academia.

So when he mentioned the visit of Dr Allan to Goa, it was a good opportunity to hold an interaction. In introducing his University of the West of England (Bristol) colleague, Prasun noted that he is a prominent scholar in the field of Journalism Studies, and that Dr Allan's book 'News Culture' is a standard text and "almost a bestseller in the world of academia".

His work also looked at Journalism After September 11 (also the name of a book he co-authored, which was the subject of much to the day's talk) and online journalism, besides 'news, gender and power'.

Film-maker Desmond Nazareth, former Earth Times' journalist VM (Vivek Menezes) and journalist-in-exile Sudip Chakravarty were welcome participants in the discussion.

Thanks to everyone who made this event possible by your presence and participation. -FN

 _/ ____\____    Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa
 \   __\/    \   India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436
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