Menino Fernandes alias Menino de Bandar after entertaining Konknai tiatr
lovers on the stage for the last 27 years is all set to rock the political
boat of a few seasonised political big wigs with his decision to contest the
upcoming Benaulim segment bye election as an independent.

Menino de Bandar during his acting career has written and directed around 30
odd Konkani tiatr but this political taitr which he will scripting come
Benaulim election will be quiet different.

Menino who is a Benaulim panchayat member in the current nine member
Benaulim panchayat says that he is a peoples candidate and an unanimous
choice of the people.

"I have the support and backing of all sections of society, I have already
met a large chunk of voters, my wellwishers supporters, tiatrists, and all
have being expressed their support for my candidature," he added.

"People of the consitutency are fed up with the constsnt shifting of parties
by the former MLAs of Benaulim constituency and they want to teach the
politicians a lessons," he added, in response to the mood of the electorate
in the constituency.

Elaborating further he added that all over the contitutuency people have
expressed their opinion that the upcoming byeelction would not be fought on
money power but by the power of the people and that voters of the
constituency have decided to show the seasonised politicians their true
place under the sun, he added.

Adding to his claim as a people's candidate Menino stated that the
constituency has never elected a true son of the soil Benaulikar to the
assembly and it was time that the people of the constituency sent one of its
own son as MLA to the assembly.

Taking a dig at the BJP rule Menino lashed at the Manohar Parrikar
government for igonoring the needs of the conistutuency and pointed out that
there has been no repersentation for people of the consitutuency in the pre
employment scheme and absorption in the police force, which he said exposed
the communual bend mind of the RSS link governement.

People of the consitutency he said are fed up with constant elections and
also the lack of development b y the out going MLA. Menino says he support
ranging from the milk man, fisherman community, carpertars, boat owners,
youth and a large chunk of panchayat members and other business communities
of the consitutuency.

His decision to contest as an independent he disclosed that he is contesting
as an indepedent as people have lost faith both in BJP and Congress he

On his campign stragedy he added that his meetings will highlight with his
own capabalities and will not try to dig into the mistakes and
incapabilities of the out goping representatives.

A former sportsmen Menino guarded the goal for the Benaulim inter village
football team but in the election game he will have to guard the goal with
all his might to emerge a giant killer in the election chess board.

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