NEWS: Construction work near Salmona spring stopped till Monday

OUR STAFF REPORTER   * Gomantak Times/Weekender, March 27, 2005

SALIGAO: The residents of spring-blessed Saligao seemingly moved a step closer to stopping the controversial construction that is coming up cheek-by-jowl to the famed Salmona spring.

Concerned residents, united under the Salmona Paryavaran Manch, convened by Arun Sawant, trekked up to the spring on Saturday and literally took over the construction site.

Slogan shouting and singing marked the peaceful agitation, which was overseen by the Police Inspector of Calangute police station, Nolasco Raposo, and his team.

"Amkam naka, amkam naka, zorixim bhandhkam amkam nakam" and "Amkam zai, amkam zai, amchi zor amkam zai" were some of the slogans shouted by villagers from the precincts of the construction.

Others were interestingly set to the tunes of vintage Goan mandos.

Holding up placards, the agitating residents demanded that the construction work be stopped immediately, the electricity supply disconnected and the two metal huts housing the workers taken off and the workers sent home. And they vowed not to move from the area unless this was achieved.

Flashing the Panchayat order that the construction be stopped, and various other documents, Mario Mascarenhas, one of those spearheading the movement, animatedly highlighted to the media the jarring discrepancies that are linked with the contentious structure, while Arjun Harmalkar, who is in the eye of the storm, looked on calmly.

The pitch of the slogans shot up with the arrival of the Mamalatdar (Bardez) Brijesh Manerkiar. After patiently listening to the demands of the villagers, Manerkar then conferred for awhile with Harmalkar and PI Raposo.

During the conference, the spring bathed two Holi revelers, even as the quietude was broken by the buzz emitted by the gathering.

The Mamlatdar then conveyed to Mascarenhas that Harmalkar had agreed to stop construction work until Monday, while requesting the Salmona Paryavaran Manch to get the necessary stay order. This was spiced with a rider that if in case the construction was not stayed by Monday evening, Harmalkar would restart the work at the site.

While initially demanding that work be stopped till at least March 30, since a special gram sabha of the Saligao Panchayat was scheduled on that day to revoke the construction licence, the residents ultimately agreed to Harmalkar's offer.

With Harmalkar armed with all the required licences and the Salmona Paryavaran Manch hot in pursuit of getting the licences revoked, it will be interesting to watch how the various government departments react in case their bluff is called.

More so, since former tourism minister and Saligao MLA Dr Wilfred de Souza has categorically stated that the tourism department has acquired the land around the spring and that the notification of the same will soon be published. Meanwhile, for the present, it is 'advantage' Salmona Paryavaran Manch.

It may be recalled that the issue was brought into focus by Dr de Souza at a press conference held on March 21.

PHOTO: We want no concrete in the jungle -- Members of the Salmona Paryavaran Manch shouting slogans from the precincts of the controversial construction near the Salmona spring in Saligao, on Saturday.

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Mar 22 10:55:15 2005

Citizens concerned about the Salmona fountain issue, now is the time to make your voice heard. Take time off to send in an email or make a phone call. Some contacts:

If you would like to support the villagers on this issue, send in a message to:

        o Governor S C Jamir    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                Fax 0091.832.245 3511

        o Chief Secretary, GoG  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        o Collectorate, N. Goa  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        o MLA                   Dr Wilfred de Souza
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                Ph 227 8000 or 240 9523
                                or 9822 122200

        o Vigilance Dept        Fax 222 3932

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