>From Pamela D'Mello

Panaji, Aug 2: Goa authorities have stepped up efforts to drive back three wild
 elephants who have strayed from Karnataka, even as the animals claimed one
human life on Sunday.

Having exhausted a vast stretch of greenery near Goa's border areas with
Karnataka, the pachyderms's foray into banana plantations near hamlets in north
Goa has spread panic and  destruction.

On Sunday, local farmer Yeshwant Phadte was found bleeding seriously and
succumbed to his injuries near his plantation. His son alerted villagers when he
sited an elephant metres away.

Forest officials said some five trained 'kunki' elephants are being despatched
from Shimoga, Karnataka by the Karnataka government, in a bid to have the two
females and a calf "escorted and guided" back to their native forests in 

Guiding stray animals with the help of trained bull elephants and their mahouts
is one method of taking the wild pachyderms back to their home forests. said
officials. In an earlier attempt, using fire torches and drums, the elphants
were driven into Maharashtra but returned back to Goa.

The operation is the last ditch attempt by forest officials here to deal with
the problem, even as panic stricken villagers in Goa, backed by opposition
politicians have begun demanding action from the department.

The pachyderms who are believed to have strayed into the Goa area from one of
the five passes that permit passage along the tall Western Ghats terrain have
been here since May. 

Their previous entry into a village caused several injuries to panic stricken
residents, who resorted to using firecrackers in a hamhanded effort to drive
them away.

Large patches of vegetation have been destroyed officials conceeded, since the
animals strayed into the Western Ghats region in Goa. "Goa cannot sustain
elephants, since each consume large quantities of vegetation," says Dy
Conservator C D Singh.

Average sanctuary size in Goa is a mere 80 sq km, compared to the 400 sq km area
of sanctuary in Karnataka, he said. "Goa is not their natural habitat. We simply
don't have the area".

After some delay, officials in Karnataka and Goa have  cleared the paperwork and
insurance amount to have the trained elephants despatched to the state.


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