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Nevada voters come out for Bush and brothels
The Globe and Mail, Toronto
Tuesday, November 9, 2004  
WASHINGTON -- What do moral values have to do with
legalized brothels? Not much in Churchill County,
Nevada, or so it seems.

Last week, the small county in northern Nevada voted
71 per cent for the re-election of President George W.
Bush, whose campaign leaned heavily on fundamentalist
Christian values such as opposition to same-sex
marriage and abortion.

On the same ballot, voters also crushed an effort to
ban the county's legalized brothels by a margin of
nearly 2-1.

"It totally blows me away," said Alan Perazzo, head of
the Coalition to End Prostitution in Churchill County.
"I'm as confused as the next guy. We voted 72 per cent
for Bush and 63 per cent to keep the brothels."
This will be my last post on the US elections.

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