I don't know if the message given below appeared on
goanet, but thanks to Bosco for forwarding it to me.
Orlando and myself were good friends despite the
difference in our ages. We shared love for many
things, including soccer, women's field hockey, and
I was very reluctant to review tiatrs but Orlando
prompted me to give the tiatrists some publicity.
He would often give me two or three tickets for
tiatrs. He was more of a PR person to some tiatrists
and was particular close to some of them like Boyer
and Jacinto Vaz.
I can well remember endless hours spent together along
with others friends, particularly Ciciliano Noronho,
who was involved with Lusitanians, at the Kyani and
Bastani restaurants in Dhobitaloa.
Orlando was running the Lusitanian women's hockey team
and was also quite influential in the women's hockey
He helped many young Goan tiatrists, particularly
kell-tiatrists from Goa. His favourite was the late
Chritopher and his wife Meena. If I remember
correctly, Orlando later became godfather of their
Once or twice we disagreed on things relating to
tiatr. The incident that immediately comes to mind is
when a trophy was instituted for the Male Tiatrist of
the Year. It was donated by Murli Deora, the current
MP and a big gun in Mumbai Congress Party.
It was Nolasco Gama, who was a Congressman, who wanted
to suck up to Deora and, therefore, influenced Orlando
to have the trophy.
It was to be decided by "critics", though there hardly
any critics worth the name, bar me. I refused to have
anything to do with it. I was shocked when at 
a Boyer tiatr, it was announced that I was among the
critics who chose to give the award for Boyer. I
raised this issue with him, and said it was a shame. I
had not voted nor was I consulted. He took our
friendship for granted.
He wrote small pieces, not necessarily reviews, for
the Evening News, but rarely in the Times of India.
But he wrote a piece on the tiatr in the Illustrated
Weekly of India issue on Goa.
He worked in the advertising department of the ToI,
and handled classifieds. He owned the building where
he lived in the former Dukarwadi, where is located the
Grand Club of Cuncolim.
The late J.P. D'Mello, international referee who later
helped soccer in Kuwait, lived in the same building,
called Gomes House.
JP and Orlando were friends, and shared close
relationship with the late Aniceto Fernandes, who ran
Goan Sports, and was secretary of both the Goa Men's
and Women's Hockey Associations.
We exchanged letters for long time when I moved to
Canada. Only in recent years, we stopped
corresponding. When Ceciliano died a few years ago, I
called his wife and enquired if Orlando was present
for the funeral. She said no, as he rarely moves out
of the house. She said he was suffering from cancer.
He had a good knowledge of Goan issues, important
Goans, and Goan events in Bombay, and I often relied
on him to get information. But his information was
often sketchy and I had to do further research on
whatever he told me.
His wife, Leopoldina, was a teacher. They had no
In a few days, I hope to scan and post on goanet his
piece on Goan tiatr. He did whatever he could to help
the cause of tiatr. 
With deep sorrow I mourn his death.

Eugene Correia

Orlando Gomes Passes Away

A prominent Goan and ex-The Times of India Orlando
Gomes passed 
away on 
5th August'03 after a brief illness. He was 87.

Orlando has contributed towards the Konkani stage
during his 
life time. 
He was the first person to feature the Konkani Teatro
in the 
Times of 
India. Konkani Teatro became popular in Mumbai due to
contribution of 
reviews, features, interviews and publicity of the
Konkani plays 
in the English 
and Konkani press.

He wrote researched articles on Konkani teatro &
tiatrist a 
subject he
thoroughly mastered. Many a tiatrist owe their
popularity to 

He loved his mother-tongue Konkani, and conrtibuted to
welfare in 
his own little way.

May his soul rest in peace.

Fausto V. Da Costa

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