Pope's body lies in state
In text of homily, cardinal describes pontiff as ‘John Paul the Great’
 Gianni Giansanti / Pool via Getty Images
Cardinals and bishops pray by the body of Pope John Paul II in Clementine Hall 
on Sunday.

MSNBC staff and news service reports
Updated: 2:25 p.m. ET April 3, 2005

VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II’s body lay in state at the Vatican’s 
Apostolic Palace on Sunday, is body dressed in crimson vestments, his head 
covered with a white bishop’s miter.

The powerful image broadcast by Vatican television gave the world its first 
glimpse of the late pontiff since his last public appearance Wednesday. John 
Paul died Saturday evening at 84 after suffering heart and kidney failure 
following two hospitalizations in as many months.

The Vatican released the pontiff’s official death certificate Sunday, saying 
he died of septic shock and an irreversible cardio-circulatory collapse and 
listing the ailments he suffered from, including acknowledging officially that 
the pope had Parkinson’s disease.

In the Apostolic Palace’s Clementine Hall, two Swiss guards stood at attention 
on either side of the pope’s body, which was placed in front of a fireplace 
adorned with the Vatican coat of arms, a crucifix standing to one side and an 
ornate candle burning on the other.

'Soul is shocked'
Earlier on Sunday, Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, 
celebrated a Mass for the repose of the pope's soul on the steps of St. 
Peter's Basilica, calling on the people gathered there to pray for "our 
beloved John Paul." 

Police said about 80,000 people attended Mass, with about 20,000 more spilling 
into the surrounding boulevards. 

The written text of Sodano's homily called the late pope "John Paul the 
Great," a title usually designated for popes worthy of sainthood, such as 
Gregory the Great and Leo the Great. But Sodano didn't use the title when he 
delivered the homily, and there was no explanation. 

Applause rang out when Sodano, dressed in golden vestments, prayed for the 
pope's soul at the start of the Mass. 

"We entrust with confidence to the risen Christ, Lord of life and history, our 
beloved John Paul II who for 27 years guided the universal church as the 
successor of Peter," he said. 

Applause rang out again during his homily, when he said: "It's true. Our soul 
is shocked by a painful event: Our father and pastor, John Paul II, has left 
us. However ... he has always invited us to look to Christ, the only reason 
for our hope." 

He said John Paul had died "serenely." 

  Click for related stories

   Vatican Watch: Continual updates 
   NBC: Leaders pay tribute, the faithful grieve 
   Citizen Journalists: In memoriam

Golden pillows
In Clementine Hall, John Paul’s head rested on several golden pillows, and a 
rosary was placed in his folded hands. His pastoral staff was tucked under his 
left arm. His feet were clad in soft brown leather shoes — the same kind of 
shoes he almost always wore even in major ceremonies.

The hall is a large, 17th-century salon covered by frescoes and located near 
the papal apartment where John Paul died. He often used the hall for audiences 
with world leaders.

A colossal chandelier with a green patina hangs from the center of the rounded 
ceiling, which includes images of angels reaching for the Holy Spirit 
represented as a white dove.

Prelates and Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi were among those who stood in 
line to pay their respects. John Paul’s longtime personal secretary, 
Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz, sat in prayer in a pew and then greeted prelates 
and dignitaries. At times he was seen wiping tears from his eyes.

The top Vatican officials in attendance included the close papal aide Cardinal 
Joseph Ratzinger, American Cardinal Edmund Szoka, Polish nuns and the 
pontiff’s personal doctor. Cardinal Camillo Ruini, the late pope’s vicar for 
Rome, prayed on his knees by the pope’s body.

The Vatican Swiss Guards also lined up to pay their respects, removing their 
plumed helmets before kneeling and praying before the pope’s body.

A message and prayers were read in Latin by the Vatican camerlengo, or 
chamberlain, Cardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo of Spain.

“With the reverent pilgrimage in front of his remains, we thank God for the 
good that through him was given to his church, and we implore his mercy for 
the faults that our pastor has committed due to human weakness. We beg the 
Lord to welcome him into his kingdom and to grant him the prize for the trials 
that he endured for the Gospel,” he said.

The viewing was carried live on Italy’s other television stations.

courtesy: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3305285/?GT1=6428

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