From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gilbert Lawrence has accused Santosh Helekar of 'bashing' only the Catholic religion, and not Hindu and other religions. Over the years I have observed that Santosh has been even-handed in criticising all religions and irrational beliefs. There are archived records of this on many Goan Internet forums including this one.

I feel Gilbert owes Santosh a public apology for making this false accusation.



My dear Gilbertbab,

Let me commence by saying how RELIEVED I was at not seeing HERE the abusive filth Cecil wrote earlier this morning to (at least) the two of us. God alone knows who got bcc

1. I'd strongly recommend that Gilbert retracts that anti-Santosh remark.

2. Please convey my personal Thank You to your dear wife for the effort she put into the Book EFFORT. Never mind that the effort was scoffed at on this list. Please do ask her to accept my apologies for that scoffing. It is my belief that only those who take the time to do, will be scoffed at.

You saw it with Goa Sudharop getting an unnecessary hit, you saw it with your book effort. Just imagine, would you not be better off doing absolutely nothing!

good wishes and a good week end to all


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