From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<More diversionary crap from Jose. He can never again claim the high ground against revisionist RSS folks, the right-wing nuts and other fundamentalists when he has lied on this forum without any proof that I have been "going Hammer and Tongs after St Francis Xavier, Mother Teresa".

No proof & false claims.  I am not guilty as I knew all along.

I rest my case.>

Just as well Professor George Pinto ....just as well Rest your case.

It was too difficult to spell out your own personal views on Mother Teresa and SFX, Right

May be you will ...may be not .....

What again have you written on SFX and MT?




Now for the general readers

Hammer and Tongs

Q] From Lee Haas: “I am interested in the phrase hammer and tongs because it is used by our fraternity (Theta Tau, a professional fraternity for engineering students). We are of the belief that this is a very old English phrase.”

[A] Well, oldish. It’s first recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1708, though it had probably been around in the spoken language for some time before then. It derives from the blacksmith’s forge, where to go at something hammer and tongs is to work hard at shaping the metal.

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