From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

1. Jose is an honorable man. However, he is not man enough this time to admit his mistake.

2. Instead of withdrawing the lie that I have criticized SFX or Mother Teresa or as he puts it "going Hammer and Tongs after St Francis Xavier, Mother Teresa"

3. His obfuscations, word-games, hijacking threads, etc. are well known to long-time readers of this forum. I will leave it at that with one last comment: it is honorable when people admit their mistake.


jc's response -> Hopefully .... mercifully ... I can say " Ite Missa est" to this Vatican "liberation" discussion - hijacked by George Pinto (in search of an escape clause):

(1) Yes... I know that Jose is an honorable man. However he is not stupid enough this time to admit to something he did NOT say.

(2) I absolutely reiterate that I believe that Prof George Pinto has been going Hammer and Tongs against Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict, Mother Teresa and SFX.

I believe that George basically has a " beef" (sry Veggie-folk) against SFX, MT, Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict ..... more so because they are all "WHITE" - and because the Vatican (wrongly) has NOT canonised Jose Vaz.

Now all George Pinto has to say is ..... NOT SO. He can even split that to include / exclude whoever he wishes from that list.


Tell us his true feelings towards/neutral/against  SFX and MT.

IF jose is wrong in his (above stated) belief .... and IF George Pinto's feelings towards MT & SFX et others are actually positive (even if he hasn't said so thus far) or even neutral......

THEN and ONLY THEN will I unreservedly withdraw my statement. I will even add ...

[" Good people ....I was wrong about Prof George Pinto. I truly got the wrong impression about what I was reading from George Pinto. My apologies to Prof George Pinto for having misunderstood his positions on MT/SFX/JP/B .....even the <Bend it....> girl with a suitable Indian boyfriend"]

(3) George Pinto's obfuscations, directions to find "suitable Indian boyfriends for Indian girls", equating European anti Marxism with Latin American pro Marxism, and "anti-White" and anti-vatican views are well known to long-time readers of this forum. I too will leave it at that with one last comment: it is honorable when people admit to their mistake......NOT one others say they made.

especially as a diversionary tactic !!


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