Mervyn3.0 wrote:
I have spent only 30 minutes and I have already
written two pages on the qualities I admire in my
wife. Is that enough?


Dear Mervyn,

There is no such thing as enough. What works, works.

But if you are planning a 'public' declaration, as I had suggested, then keep in mind that it is very difficult to keep a reader engrossed in a topic of particular interest only to you. Unless the qualities you admire are 'universally' accepted as admirable you might turn off some prudish readers. The difficult part is to make your "love declaration in matrimonial format" uniquely for your wife, and your relationship, while still making it interesting enough for the rest of the world to read. I never said it was going to be easy. But the payoff is worth the effort.


Cecil Pinto, Panjim - Aldona
M/ 38/ NP-CC/ H

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