Mogal Fernandobab,

May I take this opportunity to thank you for "making
it happen" with regard to the TSKK site. Thanks to
your initiative, TSKK is now linked to Goa World and
to TGF.

As I have said before, it would be good to get TSKK
linked to GoaCom, GoaMog and SuprGoa. The more the
better. You have already contacted Leao ani Tino, I am
sending this to amcho Fred Noronha. He is a fantastic

You have asked me to comment on your attached note to
the Arhcbishop. 

I avoided comment despite a number of requests. But
after the latest one ....I will attempt a response. 

You know that the little I know is the result of my 
Jesuit, here it goes. 

Do forgive my critical approach to discussion  - those
who know me personally (including you) know that I am
different in person (;-).....but please do not ask me
for comment - because you will get one.

So goes the Ambott Tikk>

1. I am not interested in name changes. If I was, I
would probably have changed mine to Joseph Cohen. I
don't now what Regos would change them to .... Regis

2. While Fernando do Rego advises the ArchBishop to
change the name of Renovacao to Renewal or whatever
that word "NOVSORNNI" means...because he thinks it is
"ridiculous" to have Matter in English and Name in

I remain totally intrigued.  

Is this the same Fernando do Rego who writes to the
good ArchBishop in English but addresses him as

Just Asking (:-)

I submit that we should consider what is really a
priority for us as Catholics.

Should we expend our energies, funds and time on
"changing names and coats" like the chameleon, or
should we follow the lead of Christ in looking after
the Poor and Disadvantaged?

Should we Sit on the Fence and say nothing about
attrocities & wrongs, or should we stick out our neck
even if we are likely get crucified by others?

What do you think? 

There is one piece of advice I gave Goa Suraj wrt
politics. It is the same thing I will give the
Catholic Church wrt Catholicism.

Please do NOT expect Catholicism to prosper in Goa, as
long as you have church services and sermaos which
need a dictionary to comprehend. (I believe even
Manohar Parrikar remarked likewise recently at the
occasion of the re-release of Konkani publication)

In "imposing/introducing" this S-Konkani into the
service, the following has happened:

1. The older Goans stayed at home - after a period of
being lost in church

2. the younger Goans went to English services

3. the "hand over" of tradition from the Older and the
Younger did not take place

So....not only will Catholicism suffer, but Konkani
will lose out to English.

And that is a pity.

BUT.....I suppose we have to lose before we win, heh?

just my view


If you have the opportunity, Please read Prof ALOK
RAI's  "HINDI Nationalism"

It is available at the Other Indian Book Store (OIBS)
in Mapuca

Hope our Konkani Mogis don't make the same mistake.

Monday, March 28, 2005    18:43:45 

Respected Arcebishop, 

Before all, I renew my good wishes: may the Peace of
the Risen Jesus be with you in your apostolate as our

>From Fr. Joaquim, I know that you have been having a
busy schedule and so, being so far, unable to reply to
the questions submitted to you by me for the “Crónica
das Fontainhas” in the “”.

Please do it when you have some time.You will like to
know that with the help of your brother, I have 
already taken some photos to illustrate it ,like the
Church  of Aldona and its Pia Baptismal where you ,  
your and my ancestors were baptized . 

With this letter, I wish to submit for your
appreciation, two suggestions regarding the organ  of
our Archidiocese.:

In the old times, it was the ‘Boletim Eclesiástico’,
and it was succeded by ‘RENOVACAO’.Along these years
it had Directors who today rest with the Lord: Fr.
Lucio Coutinho and Fr.Martinho Noronha.

Years later, it turned into a bulletin  in English,and
for reasons that I don’t know, the name continued the
same. It was even rather ridiculous: Portuguese
name…matter in English !!

Now the contents are  in  English and Concani  and
translated names have been added on the Cover.:”
Renewal / Novsornni “ 

My suggestions are the following: 

1.As the Bulletin is now in English and Concani, only
these two names should come on the cover.

2.Some weeks back, my  friend in Lisbon, Mr Jorge
Noronha asked me to send to him an article by fr.
Pratap Naik,s.j. that had come several months back.
Now it happens, that I don’t keep old issues. I don’t
sell them as ‘raddi” but offer to any charity
institutions.His  request indicates that articles. ,
etc. that come in the “Renovacao” must be preserved
for consultation for those in Goa and abroad and for
that the so! lution could be the following: 

The Bulletin must go online in the same way as the
“Examiner” or the “Observatore Romano.”or the
Bulletins of some of other Dioceses.Both have
excellent presentation and material. 

I understand that our Archdiocese already has it own
site, which is NOT mentioned in the “Renovação” !! .So
the same site  can have “Renewal/ Novsornni” with a”

3. General Presentation: The presentation of the
Bulletin is rather oldish, with the same cover for
very long. I feel that each issue should have its own
cover as ‘Examiner’ does.

Most probably the expenses will come on the way.

Perhaps for this, we could “commercialise” the
magazine admitting advertisements as  the ‘Examiner’
also  does,but under  full control of the Editor,
because sometimes those advts., are almost ridiculous
like Death Anniversaries, with photographs and
pathetic poems,…. advts. of  Dances and Fiestas,( once
I read in the GOA dailies: “GRAND GALA BALL OF OUR
LADY OF SORROWS”),… advs looking for brides and grooms

Such advs.are nothing but  a money making racket. I
will  quote an example that took place several decades
back in the V.Ixtt when Fr. Jeronimo Pereira was the

It always carried  ( and still does) a section called
‘ARGAM ANIM DENIM’ . Once it had  something like this:

“My pig had a desease and was about to die, I placed
the soil of Fr.Agnelo’s grave around its neck and it
was cured. Unfortunatelly, I forgot to pay the amount
of the  vow and some weeks later, my brother got the
same disease of the pig.Again I placed the same soil
around this neck and he too was cured.Therefore, I
wish to fulfil my vow and attached  send rs. Ten.” 

I asked Fr. Pereira how come  such things were
permitted if not to mint money at the cost of the
Faithfull who were made to believe in such vows.Fr.
Jeronimo admitted that it was his editorial “gaffe” 

I am sending the CC of this letter to Mr. Jorge
Noronha whose request mentioned above,induced me to
write to you. Also to the following persons who are
the Moderators of wellknown sites:

1.Dr. Jose Colaco-

2, Mr. Constantino Xavier- Lisbon

3.Mr.Leao Fernandes – Lisbon:””

 requesting them, experienced person as they are,to
share their opinion about this suggestion.  

I am sorry tor having taken your time with such a long
letter done, as you will understand, A.M.D.G, and of
our Archdiocese. 

I  request your Prayers for me and my family, 

Yours respectfully 

Fernando do Rego.

Fernando do Rego.
143-Fontainhas.Pangim 403.001.
GOA. INDIA TEL:222.6353.
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