Goan Catholics & non twice-born Hindus

Antonio Menezes ( January 27, 2005)

<I thought it would be safer to use instead the words  ''non
twiceborn'' to describe this
overwhelming majority of social class  before their conversion to christianity.>

Sachin Phadte (jan 27, 2005)

<book with a longish article by TB  Cunha on a topic somewhat linked
to the subject.....It
seems to me that at  least on the subject of use of religion by the
Portuguese to harass the
Hindus and try to force their conversion is correct.>

Gilbert Lawrence responds: (Jan 28, 2005)

<In fact your account debunks a whole myth that Hindus were forcible
converted by militant
Portuguese and their confrontational Catholic counterparts. It would
appear from your
account, the Christian conversion was the old fashion way - voluntary
and a decision for
personal (material and / or spiritual) gain.>


Dear Gilbertbab,

It is interesting to review your post visavis that from Sachin.

It is absolutely feasable (IS IT NOT) that the lower "castes"
converted to Christianity to get away from the generation to
generation subjugation by the higher "castes" ? That after all is also
the reason for them to convert from Hinduism to Buddhism, Sikhism and

The horrible "Caste" based descrimination, and the flight of the
oppressed is well known.

That does not mean that conversions to Islam and Christianity were ALL
voluntary. That, they were not.

But then, one also has to ask WHAT happened to the Buddhists who were
so powerful and numerous during the days of Ashoka.

Selective viewing of history is convenient, but nada mais.

Now, as far as TB  Cunha's alleged article is concerned, I will hold
my judgement on that. It is my opinion that non-practising Catholics
have a different view of events from Catholics-were-never-wrong
Catholics. (The same for Hindus,Jews and Muslims)

I submit that one has to review available historical documents, place
them in context of the times, and cross reference them with other
parameters like ...demographics, land ownership etc.

The following posting from 17 months ago - makes interesting reading

have fun



Godfrey Gonsalves (Sept21, 2003)

Politicians in Goa and perhaps in India as well, have sought to
polarise the Goan society
(especially during the uprising of the Goan masses for official
language recognition to
Konkani in the late eighties) and till this day by preaching to the
non Brahmin Hindus
(Bahujan Samaj) mostly in the Novas Conquistas (New Conquests) about
the atrocities
committed on our Hindu bretheren during the infamous INQUISITION . 

Even a FILM promoted by the present coalition dispensation in power
led by the right-wing
Hindu fundamentalist and fascist party have documented a film showing
excerpts of the
freedom struggle with atrocities committed on those in the Novas Conquistas. 

Entire Godfry Gonsalves post at
http://www.colaco.net/1/InquiForeword.htm (look at the last third of
the page)

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