On Sun, 7 Dec 2003 06:49:15 -0800 (PST), Xavier Feds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


With reference to the above the show was fabulous, house-full and many a
audience had to return back home disappointed due to non-availability of seats,
after the show many regret for not going for the show and missing the best event
of the season, and those who did attend the show went home humming and laughing
and I think that even today they are still having visions of the show in front
of their eyes, yes it will take some time to get over it, cause it was an
evening to remember.   I whole heartedly congratulate Youth Recreation Center
(Rising Stars)President Mr. Lawry Pinto & Organizing Committee, Dir. Of the show
Mr. Fidelis Fernandes, all Coordinators and participants for making this event a
grand success.  Mr. Alex Fernandes and Mr. A. Veronica Fernandes have already
highlighted the events of the show, but there are few I'd like to comment on:-
Script of Mr. Rosary Ferns "Devachea Marank Avaz Nam" was appreciated by all,
specially the act of widow daughter-in-law (Celina), Rita Rose was the glamour
of the show although she had a minor role but she did well, Sylvester Vaz as
usual did justice to his role, and the proud mother / mother-in-law  (Querobina
Carvalho) once again proved herself as a versatile actress, she deserves much
more appreciation than this for her talents. Lancy Rodrigues, Johnny Suratkal,
Ronnie D'Cunha and Sanny De Quepem did their parts well too.  Comedy by Prince
Jacob, Supremo Humbert and C. D'Silva kept the audience off their seats gasping
for breath, Ballerina Entertainers and Ocean Kids entertained the audience to
the beat. Solo of Rosary Ferns (on Alfred Rose) with slide show gave better
highlight, rest of the songs by all artistes coming from Mangalore, Goa, Mumbai
and local were highly appreciated, but the Song of the entire show was BAPUJI
which gave a real thrill to the audience, on the big screen Bapuji looked live,
theme of the song was good. Concerning the Big Screens in the hall the audience
highly appreciated cause it gave clear vision to the back audience, its first
time that such big screens were placed in the hall for Konkani shows.

Once again I thank YRC for entertaining us keep up the good work, and long live

Well Wisher,

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