This issue has gone far beyond its original subjectline. Anyway, nice to
see a lot of publicity for a venture which one was earlier associated
with. Surely, this will bring in a lot more attention to
Cybermatrimonials ;-)

> From: luis rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I don't agree to this. The discrimination were meted
> out to the ancestors of SC/ST. But why the benefit is
> given to the present generation. And if the
> discrimination were carried out by the RC Brahmin for
> those centuries, then  why the hatrate towards the new
> generation of RC Brahmin. 

Simple. Because the fact that their ancestors worked with servere
handicapps still shows up in the lives of descendents today. You don't
need a scientific survey -- though there are figures, since the 2001
Census onwards -- to show how deep the gap is. 

Some communities in India live in worse deprivation than the people of
sub-Saharan Africa. Others have a lifestyle (in terms of quality of
life) that might come close to Europe!

Of course, it's not just a case of "RC Brahmin" and "SC/ST". The Dalits
(as the 'SC/ST' find it sometimes more useful to call themselves) are at
the extreme end of discrimination and social handicaps. But there are
others too (the "intermediary" castes, or the Other Backward Castes, who
have also been subject to some forms of discrminiation earlier and
affirmative action in recent times).

> You visit any Govt. office in Goa and see the attitude
> of these SC/ST employees. In front of them you feel
> that you are a SC/ST. So you  decide if this "UNDO"
> system of yours should be carried on. 

As far as I know, their attitude is no worse than that of the average
government servant. It has also a lot to do with stereotyping that has
led us to believe those who come in on reservations are somehow
inferior. So, a nice form of double-discrimination. Even in their
attempted urge to equality, they will be insulted.

We tend to conveniently forget that reservations -- say to the medical
or engineering college -- is only at the level of admission. All
students then have to pass the same exams!

> In my opinion, if we are against casteism, it should
> be on all basis and not on certain caste only.discrimination were
> carried out by the RC Brahmin for
> those centuries, then  why the hatrate towards the new
> generation of RC Brahmin. 

I don't think anyone who is against casteism is criticism just the "RC
Brahmin" as you put it. This criticism of a pugnacious system need not
to be taken personally. It is an ideology or value-system that is being
questioned and criticised; not a group of people based on origins.


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