Thanks for the detailed and thoughtful response. The subject of social
capital is new to me (as is the phenomenon of mailing lists!) though I am
familiar with the term "intellectual capital" and assume there is something
similar. But I agree it would be worth building and hence I will try to help
in any way I can.

For starters I would point out that in your post you seemed to emphasise
"process", that it is not easy, no fool proof ways, not visible etc and then
suddenly popped the issue of "content" viz negative social capital! Also, is
social capital tied in some way to our (competing!) concepts of "Goa" to
which you alluded at the start of your post?

So we seem to have both a squishy content and  a squishy process on our
hands! I guess it makes for "interesting times" in the Chinese sense.

Regarding the eyeballs built up over the years, it would be interesting to
have some figures about this (aside from the word that there are 7000-plus
goanetters out there). What we probably want to focus on  the "fingers"
which take the trouble to post on goanet (assuming one finger typing like
mine!),  whether they are increasing or decreasing each month, how many are
new to goanet etc.

Finally, pls call me Phil as "prof" makes me uncomfortable!

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