Some Goanetters may remain silent because :

1. They belong to the silent majority
2. They believe silence is golden
3. They have a right to remain silent
4. They believe somebody’s got to listen
5. They just want to sit back and watch the fun.
6. They know there’s been enough said already
7. They know there’s enough mud-slinging on the pitch
8. They just want to be different.
9. They know there’s enough going on anyway, so why bother.
10. They know somebody has already made a point before them.
11. They are afraid they might be pounced upon and hacked into smithereens by senior Goanetters.
12. They are still looking around for a lawyer
13. They are fed up of backstabbing, bitching, and nasty stuff that happens here and goes on for days on end.
14. They are waiting for somebody to declare: “correspondence on this matter is now closed”
15. They have found the answer but the topic was closed.
16. They have been yelled at before
17. They know that more arguments will pose obstacles to peace between two or more warring factions of Goanetters.
18. There is no reply to the ignorant like keeping silent
19. They expect some more to join the fray
20. They have found out that the topic in not new
21. They have had a bad experience in the past
22. Silence is a fence around wisdom
23. Silence is full of potential wisdom
24.. Silence is as deep as eternity; speech, shallow as time.
25. Silence is one of the virtues of the wise.
26. Silence is the most powerful scream.
27. Silence is sometimes the answer

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