Cecil Pinto wrote"

Of course simple white lies are acceptable. Like substituting "Mamma's
stomach" for the more incomprehensible 'uterus'. But when he asks how he
got there in the first place it becomes a bit tricky. My wife, Beatrice,
quite simply closes the matter by saying, "God put you there". But I have
difficulty in stating something that I am not so sure of myself.

Cecil, parents in today's world do have a tough job handling questions from
children.Media magazines,TV ,commercials,movies do  expose kids to a lot of
facts, at an early age.

Our job as parents is to inculcate in our kids good values which will stand
them in good stead,all the days of their lives.

Where do we get a standard of good values from?"Good" is a subjective
word,what is good and acceptable for one individual might not be acceptable
to another.eg white lies are acceptable  to  you,they arent to me.

I attended a course on "Children's sexuality" at Hospicio in Margao,and we
were advised to be open and truthful with our kids and use questions from
children as opportunities to address issues on sexuality.I could share my
notes with you,if you are interested.

I am a committed Christian by choice and I use a standard of good values
from the Bible.I am not going to get into religious debate.Believing in
God,believing in Jesus and the Bible gives me a source,from which to draw
from and that is what I share with my children.I feel that my job as a
parent is to give them a good foundation -children need guidance ,later as
adults ,they are free to make choices ------ believe/disbelieve,question

By the way,Beatrice's answer "God put you there" is a good answer.


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