[Projection and representation of scientific France in the Eastern
Portuguese Empire: the correspondence exchanged between the Boletim General
de Medicina e Pharmacia of the medical-surgical School of Nova Goa and the
Faculty of Medicine of Lille]

[Article in French]

Pita JR, Pereira AL.

Faculte de Pharmacie, Universite de Coimbra, Portugal.

This article approaches the projection and representation of scientific
France in the Eastern Portuguese Empire. It deals, more precisely, with the
correspondence exchanged between the Boletim Geral de Medicina e Pharmacia
of the Medical-Surgical School of Nova Goa and the Faculty of Medicine of
Lille. The ancient colony of Portuguese India presented a certain tradition
in the publishing of medical-pharmaceutical magazines in the period between
the second half of the nineteenth periodical approached certain themes of
professional nature and included some articles of scientific nature with a
special emphasis to certain aspects of tropical medicine and pharmacy. In
Boletim Geral de Medicina e Pharmacia, it is possible to find the influence
of French scientific culture on that ancient Portuguese culture. The
exchange of correspondence between the Medical-Surgical School of Nova Goa
and the Faculty of Medicine of Lille after World War I shows the solidarity
which existed between these two institutions. It also shows the high
consideration showed by the School of Nova Goa to the Faculty of Medicine of
Lille and to French science and culture in general, universally recognised
by the creative capacity of innovating in the service of common well-being.

    Publication Types:

  * Historical Article

    MeSH Terms:

        * Colonialism/history*
        * English Abstract
        * France
        * History, 19th Century
        * History, 20th Century
        * India
        * Periodicals/history*
        * Pharmacy/history*
        * Portugal
        * Schools, Medical/history*
        * Science/history*

PMID: 11944658 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

 _/ ____\____    Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa
 \   __\/    \   India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436
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  Writing with a difference, on issues that really make the difference. 

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