GOA MESSENGER, 1-15 February 2005 
Vol. VI  Issue - 6 


Umbrellas, Vangores, Bunds
Cuncolim - That Village Of Twelve

—Armstrong Vaz

Twelve seems to be a favourable number with Cuncol
kars. They have twelve umbrellas representing the
twelve Vangores of Cuncolim, and then they have the
twelve bunds of Cuncolim and the twelve Van gores
comprising of the original inhabitants-Gaonkars of
Cuncolim. Here are some interesting related facts. 

The Shantadurga Temple The Gaonkars of Cuncolim
secretly transferred the deity of Shri Shantadurga to
Fatorpa in the face of forceful conversion by the
Portuguese in Cuncolim. The present temple is housed
at Fatorpa .The temple lies amidst the greenery of the
surrounding hills and is known for a big annual zatra
(fair) which falls in the month of Paus
.(December-January) from Pancha mi to Dosam which in
fact, sets the tone of all the zatras in Goa. Hindus
and Catholics alike worship the deity, which
represents the truly secular character and communal
harmony Of Goa.The Fatorpa temple is also know for the
Shigmo Sontreo (Umbrellas) festival. During which, on
panchami day (usually in March), the devotees
commemorate the day of transfer of the deity to
Cuncolim from its present location Fatorpa. The
colourful procession wends its way through the same
old route by which the deity was brought to Fatorpa.
The deity of Shantadurga is brought in a procession
from Fatorpa to Cuncolim, each year, on Panchami day
in the month of Phalguna, the day on which the
festival of Sontreos is held. The deity is
ceremoniously taken to the original place where it was
enshrined, to the accompaniment of traditional folk
music and twelve silk umbrellas. The procession passes
through the vaddos of Molanguinim, Biunsa, Voddy,
Tolliebhatt, Markutt and Demani and from Molangini to

The twelve umbrellas represent the twelve vangores of
Cuncolim. There is only one red umbrella. The
procession banned by the Portuguese at the request of
Patriarch Don Antonio Sebastiao Valentewas
re-established after the Portuguese Republic was set
up in 1910.

The Twelve Vangores Mhal: Gaonkars of Dessai and Porob
ward. Shetkaar: Coutin hos of Socrecotto Naik:
Tavares, Almeida, Torcato of Murida and Baga, Dessai
and Naik. Mangro: Souza’s of Biunsa and Dessai. Sobro:
Martins of Dandora, Baga, Velim and Dessai. Tombddo:
Dessais. Porob: Fernandes of Cuncolim and
sokoillo-vaddo of Velim. Sidakali: Coutinho, Pereira
and Paes of Milleavaddo, Saldanha, Viera,
Mas-carenhas, Souza, and Mir -anda’s of Dandora.
Lokakalli: Lourenco, Rebello, Gama, Tavares, Faria,
Vaz, Fernandes. Bandekar: Aguiar, Almeida of Adibandh,
Noronha, Dessai, Dias of Murida, Noronha of
Maddicotto, and the component of third vangores of
Assolna, residents of Gadwavaddo and Bandavaddo,
Almeida, Sousa, Gracias, Martins, Melo and Saldanha.
Rounno: Dias and Dessai Benklo: Dessai, Moraes and
Coutinho and residents of Benkleavaddo.

The ward of Veroda, has a separate church-St.
Anthony’s Church (Verodkars, however earlier formed
part of the Cuncolim parish till the elevation of the
San Antonio Capela to a church in the early 1980s. The
elevation of status from Chapel to Church was largely
due to businessman Avertano Furtado of Holiday Inn
Resort (Cavelos sim).Veroda also has six vangores or
family groups. Fotto: includes Jacques, Moraes, Brito
and Noronha. Naik, Nayak, Naique, Zolmi and Porobo.
These family groups consist are the original Gaonkars
of Cuncolim and Veroda. Each year the feast of Our
Lady of Health is celebrated by one of the twelve
vangores of Cuncolim. The twelve vangores of Cuncolim
irrespective of their present religious beliefs;
continue to have a hand in the administrative affairs
of the Temple at Shantadurga, Fatorpa.

Twelve Bhands of Cun colim: In Cuncolim, Goa has an
interesting irrigation system - Bara Bhand (twelve
bunds) that are named Zogla bandh, Uskinibandh, Molle
-bandh, Vedebandh, Sallebandh ,Folleabandh and Dothra
bandh (on the Northern and Eastern sides).
Chireabhandh, Oddabandh, Fontibandh, Dugalebandh,
Pairabandh and Novobandh on Southern and Western
side.The village has perhaps more rivulets than any
other in Goa. Unfortunately due to deposits of silt
and sand for over a century, they are not deep enough
to irrigate a large portion of the village for the
second crop. Small dams that are built annually in the
month of October with mud, twigs and coconut stem hold
or collect water in the streams that encircle the
villages of Cuncolim & Veroda. The water collected is
used for the production of Vangana(Khazana/saline)
crop. The water reservoir "No vo Bandh" supplies water
to the neighbouring villages of Assolna, Ambelim and
Velim. The bandh is situated between two hills. The
Portuguese rebuilt it around 1880 when the old one had
collapsed. At that time the surrounding areas were
flooded and cattle and goats, washed away. Although
rebuilt about hundred years ago, it is still called
Novo Bandh-new bund. Initially the local Panchayat
maintained the reservoir. Each year an auction for
opening and closing the tank known as "Vagzuem Tanki"
was conducted. Unfortunately the Novo Bhand is not
being maintained for the last eight years and several
cracks have developed due to neglect. 

The lake adjoining the Novo Bandh is also a sad was
-te. Once Cuncolim MLA Manu Fernandes had prop posed
to develop the lake on the lines of the Mayem Lake.
Unfortunately the proposal remained only on paper had
a couple of visits by tourism officials! The now
contaminated and almost dry Naya Bandh Lake can be
viewed as one drives past the new Cuncolim Police
Station on National Highway No. 17.

The ‘Genesis of Goa’ is a series of articles that hope
to throw light on the cultural history of Goa since
10000 B.C. It relates to periods – ancient, medieval
and modern, whilst attempting to understand what
influences from the past make Goa the land it is
today. How did this unique cultural amalgam come to
be???? This is information every Goan ought to know. 

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