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George Pinto Mon Nov 1 00:58:01 2004 wrote :

#1: < Yes, this country deserves better than the current President and that is why I 
am enthusiastically supporting and voting for John Kerry> 

#2: <He has cozied up to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Kuwait, China,
etc., so called allies.>

#3: <If Iraq had only vegetables, we would never have ventured
there regardless of how brutal Saddam was> .

#4: <We are told people are voting for freedom and democracy in Iraq and Afganistan.  
Here is a question their should put on the ballot there: do you want the occupying 
American forces to stay and run the country through their proxies and puppets?>


Interesting stuff from the Prof. 

BTW: Wonder what the good Lady Rt. Wing Pubbie from the West Coast thinks of the 
Professor's points? Oh she was so vocal when not-so-Santa Monica was in the limelight. 
Awfully silent these days. And why the silencio from the good Rt Wing Catholic Pubbie 
from the East Coast?

Hope he does not write to my Archbishop to deny me Communion! Naka re baba. Kori naka. 

wrt #1: Mercifully, I am NOT voting for either man - but I would dearly love to see 
Mr. Bush re-elected.

It is my expectation that MOST desi chaps will vote against the Kerryman. Porque? 

wrt #2: The Prof may wish to add to that list: India under the rt Wing BJP.

I can understand the strategic silence wrt the Rt Wing BJP chaps in Goa. Yep.... it is 
counterproductive to be contra-BJP in Goa when one is trying to Sudharofy Amchem Goem. 
I agree with that 100%. (;-)

wrt #3: I know what the good (and Fox hunted) Bernado Colaco is thinking: "Uhmmmm! If 
Goa did not have a port, and beaches, and mineral wealth and Dabolim.....ONLY Veggies, 
whould Chacha Nehru and VK Hercules XXXRums-felt Menon have bombed the place ?"

Of course Bernadobab.....it was the 1962 election, not the Veggies!

wrt# 4: Here goes Fox-hunted Bernado Colaco again :- "do you want the occupying 
Bharati forces to stay and run Goa through their proxies and puppets?

Baba Bernado, Kitem mhuntai re tuum?  

Oh Yes, I personally believe that the Professor forgot a KEY point in this ghuspott: 
The Role of the Press! ( NOT AGAIN zuzebab !)

If the Press does NOT tell, the public will probably NEVER know.

If the Press tells bundals, the public will probably BELIEVE the gupp.

But then, JC is in a pre-1961 time-warp here. He has another agenda. AND we can 
continue to bury our heads in the sand like ostriches. Hoping that THOSE who keep 
reminding us to Remember OUR OWN actions before Pointing out to the actions of OTHERS 
- will FADE away with time, or at least leave the discussion list like Paulobab.

The Rt. Wingers have ONE thing of note. They are hypersensitive to criticism. When 
they are criticized, they use the "sound byte" technique to wolf-maul the messenger. 
Called the Pack Mentality. "Forget the message - we have heard it too often. The best 
technique forward is Ignore the Message and Attack the Messenger."

Wonder HOW the left wing will react today. Probably will go back to the Sitting on the 
Fence or sticking their heads into the Sand?

Let's see.


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