Hello Everybody,


As part of our World Goa Day program, that includes 5
days, we have a Movie Evening that includes a
conference.  We wanted to expose problems related with
ambient in Goa. I would like to know if anybody has a
film, a documentary and images that we could show on
this evening, If they are files or MPEG or any format
on computer, please send them directly to me.  If you
know about a documentary and somebody who has the same
please send me their contact so I can send them a

Please also send us contacts on NGO organizations
related to problems in Goa.

If also somebody has a old movie in file format or
DVD, or VCD or VHS, please send us this information,
as we would like to include it in our program and your
information would be a great help in this


As we are so far away in Portugal it is extremely
difficult for us to have the right contacts who can
help us protect and divulgate our Heritage. We are
putting up a tremendous effort and whatever small help
you can give us with the material, we will produce A

Thank You,

Leão Fernandes.


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