From "C. Felix D'Sa"                        

            World Goa Day 2005 - Montreal 




There will be an essay competition for our youth
between the ages of 9 and 20 years.

Prizes will be awarded to the best essay in each of
the three age groups:    
[A]  9 – 12,      [B] 13 – 16       &  [C] 17 - 20. 


1.     Each youth can choose to write (preferably in
one's own handwriting), on any one of the following

   a) Why do I call myself Goan.

   b) What does it mean to be Goan.

   c) How does it feel to be a Goan living abroad.

   d) What do I like about Goa and Goans?


2. The article should be about 250 words, but not less
than 100 words. The chosen topic must be clearly
indicated at the beginning of the essay and the
persons name at the end. 


3. The contestants Name, Age, Address and Phone number
must be provided on a separate sheet, and stapled to
the essay.  


4. All essays must be submitted by 2.0pm at the
Montreal WGD_2005 picnic on August 20, 2005. 


5. The essays will be judged by a panel; and the
decision will be final. The winners will be announced
and the Prizes will be awarded at the ‘QGA – VARIETY
SHOW’, on October 15, 2005. These essays will then be
posted at our site and could be posted on
Goan forums on the net.


Felix D’Sa

Tel: 450 676-8560

Please Note: 

See you, your family and friends at the World Goa Day

Venus: Parc Agrignon, Lasalle. (Entrance near METRO

Date: Saturday, 20 August 2005 

Time: 10.00am - 6.00pm   [EARLY BIRD GIFTS – while
stocks are available].


Pot-Luck Lunch. Bring a dish {Goan if possible), your
drinks, chairs, umbrellas, etc. etc. [all your picnic

Last  year’s “World Goa Day 2004, Montreal. Youth
Essay Competition” Results

The results were announced on October 16, 2004 at the
“Night in Goa – Raat Goeant”.
Maria De Souza, secretary of the Quebec Goan
Association, presented the prizes (and
awards) to the winners.   

"Why I call myself Goan" by Shannon Marlow won the
first overall, as well as first in Group A [9 - 12

Group B [13 - 16 years] was won by Sandra Moraes's
"What do I like about Goa and


Bruce D'Souza's "What does it mean to be Goan" was a
close second overall and
the winner in Group C [17 -20 years].  


Thanks to all the contestants [and the judges] of the
essay competition, and to all who supported the World
Goa Day picnic on August 21, 2004. Special thanks to
the prize donors, Austin DeSouza, Dawn D'sa, Lino
Leitao, Danielle D'Sa, etc. A big ‘thank-you’ to Luiza
D'Sa, Joan Paes, Norman Chatelier and Clinton D’Souza
for their time and effort at the picnic. 

The next WGD picnic is scheduled for 20th. August


Felix D’Sa


  To the Organisors of WORLD GOA DAY - essay
competitions : 

  Please send in the three best judged essays  to
Bosco our WGD Coordintor at Goanet.  We hope to
organise a Final of Finals on Goanet. 

  Details to follow. 


  rene barreto
  For more details on WORLD GOA DAY  
  visit our  website www.goaday.com
  or other Goan websites. 

  Working on building a Goan Alliance 

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