>From  godfrey gonsalves

May I suggest you buy a copy of the book on
Comunidades or Gaunkaries written by Dr  Olivinho Gomes

Other useful sources and contacts:

Goa - Gaunkari, The Old Village Associations. Panaji, Printwell Press.
By Rui Gomes Pereira (of Divar). 166 pages. 1981.

Gram-Panchayats in Goa - A Critical Study. Panaji, Rajhauns Vitaran. By
Dr Yanaji Halarnakar. 211 pages. 1990. 

Administration of Comunidades in South Goa. Panaji, Goa University
Dissertation. By Selma Carlita Oliveira.  56 pages.  2003.  

Comunidades; Challenges and Prospects.  Panaji, Goa University
Dissertation.  By  Euan Marc Souza Rocha. 61 pages. 2003. 

For a list of other works go to and check the
catalogue of Goa University Library. 
For example,  TitleWords =Panchayat finds 58 items.

For a historical perspective see the bibliography:  As Communiidades de
Goa: registro bibliographico. Bastora, Tip Rangel. By Jose Antonio
Ismael Gracias. 39 pages

Eddie Fernandes

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