Halor Rasho,

You have just made a BIg Laughing Stock of yourself; do some introspection and u will be thankful to me! CB's are in use world wide for the last 50 years or more, and in India too; Where do you read that: "Circuit Breakers are not used in India". You must be hallucinating!!

What I have said is that in Goa, the EL. Dept does not use the CBs, where they can be most effective; and should be used to arrest 'stealing of power' and 'overloading'. Understand?? Instead of negatively attacking my post, why do you not give some constructive advice?

May be, you have nothing. You are definitely speaking from an 'inferiority complex! Who are you to speak for all of India. I have more right than you, as I have worked in Industry, in India, for more than 30 years. I don't claim anything, I'm giving concrete suggestions; it's you who is claiming to know something but actually nothing. Hah Ha!

Figueredo is putting forward whatever he has to say! We are not clubbing together; Why should I use high technology or pure technical words / parameters, on this, a common forum. There is no need to. The point is that the EL. Dept is not putting into practice the knowledge that is available; they are only interested in taking their salary and no responsibility, perhaps like you? They are not showing any enthusiasm, in any way! Hence the sorry state of affairs. See, you are the 'laughing stock'.
Snicker! Snigger! Giggle! Titler! It must be you!

What's the idea, having the knowledge and not putting the same into use?? Thats incompetence!
And direlection of duty?


Nasci Caldeira.

From: halur rasho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet]Re: El. Power. Goa --TT1 (Think Tank)
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 21:25:06 -0400
If you and Figuerado are claiming that circuit breakers are unknown in India,
you guys are make laughing stocks of yourselves
Somehow the two of you think you know more about science and engineering than
the entire population of india.
Perhaps, but your english language skills do not indicate the technical guru
status (snicker!!) you claim......

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