Hi Rommel,

Hope you and family are keeping well.  I have not forgotten Olga’s request to 
you to connect me with Neri (Felipe) in Ca.  I did send a message that I would 
phone them by the 30th!!  Oh blimmey, today is the 30th!!

Re: Message no.4.
Mr Lambert Mascarenhas, freedom fighter has finally decided to call it a day, 
May his soul rest in peace.  He was my neighbour from Colva; I only met him 
once when he visited my father at our home.

Bye bye , take care.
Leonard (masky).

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From: goanet-requ...@lists.goanet.org<mailto:goanet-requ...@lists.goanet.org>
Sent: 28 June 2021 16:40
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org<mailto:goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 16, Issue 348

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Remembering Alfred Tavares (Linken Fernandes)
   2. Re: [Goanet-News] Goan, Goes, Goanese? (Frederick Noronha)
   3. Goan, Goes, Goanese (Mervyn Maciel)
   4. Lambert & Goa Today (Bernado Colaco)
   5. Padma Shri Lambert passes away at 106 (Pedro Mascarenhas)
   6. Helping others is praise worthy (Nelson Lopes)
   7. Stigmatising covid patients (Nelson Lopes)
   8. Schedule for Tuesday 29th June 2021 (CCR TV)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 12:06:11 +0530
From: Linken Fernandes <linkenfernan...@gmail.com>
To: Roland Francis <roland.fran...@gmail.com>, goanet
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Remembering Alfred Tavares
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hi Ronald,

That's a warm and generous summing up of someone who, I conjecture, may
have been a cherished friend.

A "rebel against tradition -- a lovable rascal and rogue -- with a
refreshing sense of humour -- someone who cocked a snook at authority, be
it colonial or Indian -- who treated "low caste" people with the same
regard as the bhatcars in his native village."

Sounds to me like this could be a pitch to a publisher for a biography of a
Goan (with a slight Bombay touch) typical of the 1960s and '70s. It could
also be a writer's jotting for a flamboyant character in a novel set amidst
the retreat of the Portuguese and the arrival of other Indians into an
innocent, happy-go-lucky, tropical paradise.

I would lean towards a biography first, and think one could perhaps be
knocked off in a few months by (hint) a friend with as facile a pen as has
been seen over the years in the pages here. I, of course, would selfishly
consider the meat and bones of the bio for a protagonist rendered even more
larger than life in a work of fiction.

There is, of course, a third option. A bunch of Alfred's pals and auld
acquaintance dispersed over the planet keep their tipple of choice at hand
as they type or dictate reminiscences and anecdotes for an informal
festschrift. (On second thought, the tipple may come only after the day's
labour is done, like in the tavernas of yore). This should give him
something to chuckle about as he regales good friend Lucifer with roasts of
all the church-going Goans ("Pad Vigar, tum inga?!") streaming in through
the fiery gates. And Lucifer wondering how a place so tiny can throw up
such a bountiful harvest of rebels against Authority, who head straight for
the bar no sooner they cross (!) the threshold. Little does he know that
they prefer his place to the other one because, as the hymn in the pub
goes, "In heaven there's no beer..."


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 04:40:34 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha <fredericknoron...@gmail.com>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
        <goanet@lists.goanet.org>, Francis Rodrigues
Subject: Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Goan, Goes, Goanese?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Wow, you've really read the lot? FN

On Mon, 28 Jun 2021 at 04:26, Francis Rodrigues <fcarodrig...@hotmail.com>

> "The Golden Rendezvous" by Alistair Maclean.
> pg. 7:
> ......Velvet footed goanese waiters moved soundlessly on the dark grey
> pile of
> the persian carpet; food appeared and vanished as if in a dream;........
> On Sun, 27 Jun 2021 at 10:15, lizio <lizio.fernan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello Frederick, the link's not working. Please check.
> > Also, the first time I saw the word Goanese many years ago was in a
> > Alistair MacLean novel. Don't remember the name of the novel. There's a
> > scene aboard a cruise ship wherein they refer to "Goanese" waiters in a
> > restaurant.
> > regards
> > Lizio Fernandes 9604449142
> >
> > On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 12:57 AM Frederick Noronha <
> > fredericknoron...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Why _Goanese_ is sometimes used to describe Goans:


_/  FN * ????????? ???????? * ??????? ???????? +91-9822122436
_/  See a different Goa here, via
_/  https://youtube.com/c/frederickfnnoronha


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 07:16:01 +0100
From: Mervyn Maciel <mervynels.watuwasha...@gmail.com>
To: "Estb. 1994! Goa's Premiere Mailing List"
Subject: [Goanet] Goan, Goes, Goanese
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

I think, by and large, we, Goans like to be referred to as
Goans as opposed to Goanese. Why, I can't tell.
  But the word Goanese is regarded by some as a term of opprobrium!

Mervyn Maciel

Mervyn Maciel


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 10:23:49 +0000 (UTC)
From: Bernado Colaco <ole_...@yahoo.co.uk>
To: "goanet@lists.goanet.org" <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Subject: [Goanet] Lambert & Goa Today
Message-ID: <1205852665.7251441.1624875829...@mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

 RIP L.Mascarenhas. He lived for more than a century and saw the destruction of 
Goa after 1961. The so called freedom fighters were the protagonist's of the 
death knell of Goa.?
These is a paragraph written (NT) by one D. Almeida when interviewing Xri. 
Mascarenhas in 2012.?"It is with a sense of nostalgia and pride that he looks 
back on the days gone by. He returned to Goa at a time when a man was measured 
by his bearing and demeanour and it was honourable to fight the good fight. 
Talk about today and he gets bitter with the way things have turned out. He 
expressed his anger in one sentence, "Write that Lambert Mascarenhas has said 
that he preferred the Goa of the Portuguese days."
BCSorrowing lies my Land.----------------------A Great Goan has left us, but 
his legacy lives on.
I still remember when he and Jolly visited us at our Sutton
homestead and again when I was? entertained by the couple at
their Dona Paula mansion many years ago during my trip to
? He will be remembered not just as a Freedom Fighter, journalist,
author and Founder Editor of the prestigious GOA TODAY magazine, but as
a great son of Goa.
? I hope the country and Goans the world over will do this
great Goan proud.
? My deepest sympathy to Jolly and all the family - please know
that you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Mervyn Maciel

On Sun, 27 Jun 2021 at 13:21, Valmiki Faleiro <valmi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Eugene,
> Salgaocars closed Goa Today last month.
> Lambert Mascarenhas passed away today, aged 106.
> Best, v


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 11:03:06 +0000 (UTC)
From: Pedro Mascarenhas <mascarenhas.pe...@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Goanet] Padma Shri Lambert passes away at 106
Message-ID: <381451840.1517333.1624878187...@mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

I met Lambert in Lisbon years ago (in the 80s). I also met his brother, 
physician Alberto, and his sons Zeca and Olavo, my colleagues from the Liceu, 
all deceased. RIP.


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 19:26:30 +0530
From: Nelson Lopes <lopesnelson...@gmail.com>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: [Goanet] Helping others is praise worthy
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Helping others is praise worthy
During this  covid pandemic many  a stable jobs are lost ,thus businesses,
hospitality,industry ,  transport  even self emoyed have to face the brunt
Who deserves financial assistance is a matter of priority. The Govt has
lost regular revenues and the debt burden  has increased  manifold   .The
price rise  is
  adding to the woes  of the citizens
In recent  times seamen want retrospective payment of pensions,tiatrist and
musicians are on agitating path. Some hyprocrates  are  shouting from roof
tops asking Govt to concede. Such  politicians will not  dip into their own
pockets  and are never known to be generous per se..  The buck should begin
with you and not stop at your doorstep.The right person  to air such
grievances of the group  is perhaps Mr Alemao,who  has all along  promoted
and sponsored tiatr, Kon CD and his generosity  is boundless
While clamouring to show concern, it is the People  who bear the tax
burdens  of mindless social security schemes  Politicians  want to take
advantage for votes by being seen as the guardian angels. Many of so
called   facilities tax free emoluments, free electricity,water, postage,
telephone, attendants,  pensions,refreshments paid on National days at
residences ,medical travel  reimbursements ,subdised loans on cars etc are
personal  gains of politicians for whom politics is an employment avenue
The point of discussion and under question is which professions ,or self
employed trades  should be left out of the preview of govt doles.
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


Message: 7
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 20:02:34 +0530
From: Nelson Lopes <lopesnelson...@gmail.com>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: [Goanet] Stigmatising covid patients
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

In the past leprosy was considered as curse.It was presumed to be
hereditary, punishment for sins.Even though it is caused by germs
 ,curable leprosy patients are  still segrated, unemployed  and have  to
fend for  themselves.   Baba Ampte and his family worked all his life to
ameliorate their lives. The stigma was so strong, they were abandoned to
die in the wilderness, had to wear special clothes   ,walk on designated
paths and shout ringing the bells about their scourge  as warning to others
Christ touched them and cured
Now are we seeing of repeat of this phenomenon with those afflicted with
covid,recovered   ,doctors    nurses  reverentially labelled as the angels
People are loath  to accept death due to covid or even openly admit death
as consequence. While in leprosy progression was slow with deformation  of
parts of body  and known to  be contagious
COVID19 is both contagious and infectious a due to mutating virus and hence
people out of fear avoid  such patients. Covid infected people recover
and  it is  neither a punishment or curse.Even visits to covid infected
persons  and attendance at funeral rites,  condolence visits are very
restricted by so called  SOP.Every death is suspiciously looked upon as
covid case and is uttered in hush tones
While precautions are natural and normal
stigmatising them is most unwarranted.Similarly stigma  is attached to
hijaras,  unfortunately the greatest numbers are in India  .All such
persons  need to be treated with respect,  dignity and as humans
Nelson Lopes


Message: 8
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 21:06:34 +0530
From: CCR TV <ccrtvstu...@gmail.com>
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Schedule for Tuesday 29th June 2021
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Channel of God's love?

You can also watch CCR TV live on your smartphone via the CCR TV App
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.
Click the link below.
Email ID:  ccrgoame...@gmail.com

Schedule for Tuesday 29th June 2021

12:00 AM
Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries

12:27 AM
Talk on Forgiveness by Dr Silvia Noronha

12:54 AM
Hymns - St Anthony's HS, Monte de Guirim

1:00 AM
Mass in Konkani for Monday

1:45 AM
Song - Dubhav - Jerson Fernandes

1:50 AM
53rd Mando Festival - Goychim Lharam, Carmona - Dance

2:00 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Dukhiche Mister

2:26 AM
Devachem Utor  - 1 Korintkarank - Avesvor 15 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

2:44 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 27 - Makddancho Upas - Fr Pratap Naik sj

2:54 AM
Sr Paul Alive Today - Daughters of St Paul

3:19 AM
Tell me a story - Eps 29 -  Joseph in Prison

3:26 AM
Apologetics - Peter - Talk by Steve Ray

4:55 AM
Prayer over Children - St Jospeh Vaz

4:57 AM
Praise and Worship -  St Jose de Areal  - Ivy Ferrao

5:26 AM
Our Father - Kannada

5:32 AM
On the Third Day - Eps 1 - Pesticides - Nelson Figueiredo talks to Joaqiuim

5:57 AM
Song - He's got the whole world in His hands

6:02 AM
Short Film - This Book will change your life

6:30 AM
My Music Videos - Argam - Ivor Dcunha

6:35 AM
The Importance of Eucharistic Celebration - Talk by Luz Marie Engineer

6:57 AM
Sokalchem Magnnem  -  Dhormdut

7:00 AM
Konkani Mass from Archbishop's House followed by Jivitacho Prokas

7:45 AM
Morning Prayer  -  Feast of Apostles

7:50 AM
Sr Paul Alive Today - Daughters of St Paul

8:18 AM
The Chosen - Introduction

8:22 AM
Bhajan - To Amchaa Svami- Fr Glen D'Silva

8:30 AM
Gonvllik Chitticher 2020-21 Boska 8

8:50 AM
Tell me a story - Eps 29 -  Joseph in Prison

9:00 AM
Mary, Our Mother for all intercessors - Ivy Ferrao

9:36 AM
Hymn - Yeshu Ki Jai Ho - Savina & Leon Gonsalves

9:42 AM
Prayer - Alone with none but Thee, my God

9:44 AM
Magnificat (English)

9:48 AM
Spirit of Forgiveness - Talk by Fr Seby Mascarenhas sfx

10:21 AM
The Chosen - Introduction

10:25 AM
Abundant Life -Trust God in Times of Trial - Prof Nicholas D'Souza

11:00 AM
Jezuk  ani Tachea Utral mandun gheum-ia - Fr Joseph Silva

11:07 AM
Song - My Hero - Jerson Fernandes

11:14 PM
Intercessions (English)

11:30 AM
Mass in English from Panjim Church followed by Daily Flash

12:15 PM
Literally Goa - Shirley Louise Gonsalves interviewed by Frederick Noronha

12:45 PM
Gaionancho Jhelo - Jezu amchi Xanti - Monica Fernandes

12:48 PM
What's Cooking - Episode 10 - Goan Stew

1:18 PM
Music - Jezu Portun Ietolo - Fr Eusico Pereira

1:23 PM
Pray for Goa

1:30 PM
Short Film - This Book will change your life

1:57 PM
Couples Prayer - English

2:00 PM
Bhokti Lharam - Bhag  25

2:08 PM
Through Mary to Jesus - Eps 2 - Fr Jovito D'Souza S.J.

2:18 PM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  147  - Titanic - Fr Pratap Naik sj

2:27 PM
Prayer to St. Joseph by Pope Francis

2:30 PM
Kuznantlim Zogddim - Eps 3 - Coffee - Meena Goes and Julius Mesquita

2:41 PM
Learning Konkani - 18 - Fr Pratap Naik sj

3:11 PM
Our Father - Malayalam

3:17 PM
Poem - Lockdown Naka !  Ek Sandex - Dominic Araujo

3:22 PM
Prayer of Grandparents - English

3:24 PM
Prayer for India 5

3:27 PM
Novena Prayer to St Joseph Vaz

3:30 PM
Deivik Kaklutichi Magnneam

3:40 PM
Devachem Utor  - 1 Korintkarank - Avesvor 15 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

4:00 PM
Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries

4:27 PM
Prayer over Childless Couples - St Joseph Vaz

4:30 PM
Senior Citizens Exercises - 4

5:00 PM
Kirton ani bozonn -  Lindinha D'Cunha

5:30 PM
Obedience, Submission and Accountability - Talk by Savio Mascarenhas

6:09 PM
Angelus - English

6:11 PM
Bible Project -  Gospel of the Kingdom

6:16 PM
Intercessions (Konkani)

6:30 PM
Konkani Mass from Archbishop's House followed by Jivitacho Prokas

7:15 PM
Maria Mai - Talk by Mathew Fernandes

7:30 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Dukhiche Mister

7:56 PM
The Chosen - Introduction

8:00 PM
The  Chosen - Season 1 Episode 1

9:00 PM
Devachem Utor  - 1 Korintkarank - Avesvor 16 - Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

9:07 PM
Adoration - Death & Judgement - Fr Henry Falcao

9:35 PM
Ratchem Magnem

9:52 PM
Tiatr Academy Kantaram Competition - Part 2

10:35 PM
Amchi Bhas Amche Borovpi  - Jess Fernandes interviewed by Daniel F. de Souza

11:12 PM
My Music Video - Soirik'kar - Matchmaker - Mil-Mel-Nel

11:18 PM
Charisms - Mary Healy

11:56 PM
Music - Nimanne Jevonn - George Coelho

Donations may be made to:
Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.
Name of Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch Name: Panaji Branch
RTGS/NEFT Code : ICIC0000015
Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183

End of Goanet Digest, Vol 16, Issue 348

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