If you are one of those people who are aware about more than just their
wrinkles, you probably heard about the recent (last many years) rumble over
migrants. Some of you might even have opinions about it.

As usual, I do.

Cases in point; non-Maharashtrians, and non-Goans. Since these two states
share similar traditions, mindsets, economic profiles, weather, landscape,
drug use, corruption indices and politicians, I will treat this issue as

The primary cause for stone throwing (no pun intended) here is that the
locals and their localities are being overrun by 'outsiders'. The
'outsiders' come from everywhere outside of Maharashtra and Goa; also called
'the rest of India'. The locals claim that these 'outsiders' come to their
states, take their jobs, use their water, consume their electricity,
procreate faster, and generally 'live' in their beloved localities.

This phenomenon is known as migration.

The locals (mostly the men), know about migration almost as well as they
know about the dance bars and red-light districts that are serviced by some
of these outsiders (mostly the women).

Yes, the locals migrate too. For similar reasons. Better economic prospects,
better education, better cars and sometimes (very rarely) to plant bombs and
blow things up.

Because incomes are higher in the West and the Middle East, some of the
locals move there. Incomes and prospects, especially IT related, are also
much higher in Hyderabad and Bangalore (Incidentally, these cities are a
part of 'the rest of India', a region from where most of the 'outsiders'
originate.) and many locals are also know to move and make a living here.
Yes, migrate.

Sometimes, the people from the west and middle east, treat the locals who
have moved there to make a living badly. They say mean things to them and
sometimes beat them up. They however rarely smash their cars, rape their
wives and destroy their shops. The locals call this racism.

Yes, the locals know many big words. However, it appears that there is at
least one big word that the locals aren't aware of.

Double-standards. (This might be because this word consists of two big word
and hence harder to remember; or it might just be that the locals are very
messed up. More research is required.)
Luke Sequeira


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