Dear Sir, or Madam, or who ever gets this,

If I have not sent this to the best place could you please forward it to 
where you think best.

My name is Mark Felsher and I and my family live in the USA. Six years ago 
we adopted a nine year old boy from an orphanage in New Deli. He has been 
able to recall a number of events from his early childhood and we have 
reason to believe that he may have lived in the Goa - Karnatika area from 
the time he was born until he was about five years old.

His mother, father and grandfather all died in about 1996. He does not know 
anything about his grandmother or his younger sister. His name is now 
Ambrish and he was born in about 1991. He does not think this was his name 
when he was growing up and we do not know any other family names, but we do 
have a few stories that might be remembered by someone there.

In about 1996 his mother was working in a mining pit, collecting some kind 
of small stones from brown dirt (we think they were diamonds), when a 
digging machine with rubber tires and a scoop with teeth on the front rolled 
into the pit where she was working and struck her from behind and killed 
her. There was no driver on the machine. Shortly after that she was cremated 
on a wood raft on a river. His mother had also been a cook for the workers 
in the mine. At that time the mine had two pits.

Ambrish's father was a taxi driver. He drove a yellow and black taxi, (three 
wheels). I do not know if there is a place that would have records of  taxi 
drivers who died in about 1996 in that area.

 Ambrish's mother died first, then his father, then his grandfather. He last 
saw his younger sister as the two of them were crossing a busy street and 
she fell in front of a car that ran over her leg. She was quickly taken away 
in another car.

Here are some other clues that we have;

Ambrish remembers walking to a river where the water tasted salty.

He remembers white (European looking) people living in the area and they 
spoke the same language as he did; probably Cannada.

He could walk to his grandparents house in several hours and they lived not 
too far from a railroad station.

In about 1995 Ambrish spent some time unconscious, in a hospital, because 
his father hit him very hard, on the head, with a metal pipe.

They lived a short walk from the diamond mine.

We have been looking at pictures of the Goa - Karnatika area on the internet 
and he has recognized three pictures:

He recognized a park in Mangalore where he went with his grandparents. He 
believes they took the train.

He recognized a picture from Hampi and believes his father drove the family 
there in the taxi

He recognized a dirt road with businesses, in or near Karwar. He believes 
that he, his mother and sister walked there, but only once.

At about the age of five Ambrish got lost on the trains and wound up in 

If you can think of any way we can use any of these clues to try and find 
out who Ambrish's parents were we would be very greatful!

Thank you,

Mark Felsher



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