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-------- Original message --------
From "Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão" <> 
Date: 09-06-2014  15:10  (GMT-05:00) 
To,John Gomes <>,"Dr. José Colaço" 
Subject Re: [Goanet] business of medicine, Goa style 
Thank you Mr. John Gomes for a perfect rational view on the issue.
In the present times, being sure of a drug to be authentic is as rare as being 
sure a person being rational! 

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

> From:
> Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2014 07:29:14 -0400
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] business of medicine, Goa style
> On Sep 6, 2014, at 1:50 AM, John Gomes <> wrote:
> "Whilst I agree about our FDA, I would not be too sure about the stuff 
> available in our Pharmacies! You all may have heard about the Ranbaxy case in 
> USA and even a sincere and experienced Raj Vaidya of Hindu Pharmacy says 
> these days he frankly couldn't vouch for most of the stuff available or he is 
> selling. Cautious optimism these days is prudent, where we are cautioned not 
> to eat even eggs because hens are injected and the eggs/ stuff we eat render 
> our immune systems prone to anti biotic medicines rendered ineffective. And 
> Yes, I am no Pharmacist!.....................JEG
> IMO, a very reasoned and reasonable post.
> Thank you, JEG
> jc
> additional reading:
> WHO | Counterfeit medicines
> (......)  in India's major cities, one in five medicines sold was a fake.

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