OBITUARY: Teotonio R. de Souza

[Compiled for Goanet by John Nazareth in Canada,]

Born 18 February 1947 in Goa - Died 20 February 2019 in Lisbon

          Teotonio Rosario de Souza was one of Goa's foremost
          historians. He completed his PhD in History from
          the University of Poona (1970-1977) and was a
          member of the Society of Jesus from 1967 to 1994.

He was one of the founders of the Xavier Centre of Historical
Research in Porvorim, Goa and was its Director from 1979 to
1994. He was PhD guide in History at the Goa University
1985-1994 and visiting Professor of Jnana Deepa Vidyapeeth
(Pune) and Vidyajyoti (Delhi) 1980-1994. He left the Jesuits
and moved to Portugal where he joined the Department of
History, in the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e
Tecnologias in Lisbon in 1996, going on to serve as
Professor, Head and Chair 1999-2014.

John J. D’Souza recalls that "Dr. Teotonio helped to get
Goacom going when we started in 1995".

He was a native of the village of Moira in Bardez, Goa and
took the time to write a brief history of Moira and its
Church at the 350th anniversary of the Church’s founding in 1636.

          In November 2018, I had the good fortune to work
          with Teotonio when the Goan Overseas Association,
          Toronto was celebrating the 30th anniversary of its
          International Goan Convention where he was featured
          as part of the International Writers/Historians
          segment; little did we know then that this would be
          his swan song.

No short list can do justice to the contribution of Professor
De Souza to the written history of Goa. Among his book
publications were:

- Medieval Goa [1979, 1994 (Portuguese edition), 2009]
- Indo-Portuguese History: Old Issues New Questions (1983)
- Essays in Goan History (1988)
- Goa Through the Ages: An economic history  (1990)
- Jesuits in India: in Historical Perspective (1992)
  co-edited with C.J. Borges
- Goa to Me (1994)
- Goa: Roteiro histórico-cultural (1996)
- Vasco da Gama e a Índia (3 vols) (1989) co-edited with J.M. Garcia
- Goa -- Outgrowing Postcolonialism (2014)

Research articles by Dr. Teotonio R. de Souza:

In the following link, Teotonio talks about his books with
Frederick Noronha, of Goa1556:
Time: approx 20 mins.

When he passed away he was working on two publications: (1)
Herald Group intention to bring out in book format his
columns of opinion from 2008 till now; (2) An
autobiographical book.

When he was asked why he left the Jesuits, he said "I gave 26
of the best years of my life to Jesus and He will not forget
me."    -- John Nazareth, Toronto, February 2019

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