Nov 17

I've always believed that one of the great triumphs of science is the way
it handles mistakes, or outright failure. To me, that's how scientific
research progresses: try something, fail, learn, try again. Simplistic?
Sure. But if you remember, it's how you learned to ride a bicycle, or swim.

Not to belabour the point, but every now and then there are signs of
exactly this. Some weeks ago, I wrote of a particular mathematical
discovery about Möbius strips, in which the mathematician concerned
actually wrote about the "idiotic mistake" he had made earlier.

Likewise, the column below (Nov 10) - it refers to a theory about the
disappearance of a certain ancient people, and in particular, disagreements
about that theory.

Take a look: The comet exploded, or it didn't,

Your thoughts?



The comet exploded, or it didn't

Something I've always wanted to do with this column is to explore a little
bit of how science progresses. Not the details of experiments conducted and
results obtained, no. What I mean in particular here is, what happens when
scientists get something wrong?

Scientists get things wrong all the time. Look up "cold fusion" for a
famous example. When they do make mistakes, how does the scientific
establishment react? Mistakes must be called out, certainly. But how does
that happen? Is there public scorn? Gloating? Name-calling?

Well, here's an example. Judge for yourself.

In February 2022, a team led by Kenneth Tankersley, a geologist at the
University of Cincinnati, published a paper in "Nature" magazine ("The
Hopewell airburst event, 1699–1567 years ago (252–383 CE)", Kenneth Barnett
Tankersley et al, Nature, 1 February 2022,

They had been studying the so-called Hopewell people, who lived in the Ohio
River valley, near Cincinnati, over 1500 years ago. Tankersley and his team
made a remarkable claim: that a "cosmic airburst event" - a comet explosion
- happened over the valley sometime in the 3rd or 4th Century CE. The
Hopewell people survived this calamity, they said, but "it likely
contributed to their cultural decline."

Their paper cited plenty of evidence of this explosion. Near the epicentre,
the Hopewell people constructed a "comet-shaped earthwork". Archaeological
sites in the area "contain an anomalously high concentration and diversity
of meteorites when compared to all other cultural periods." The sites all
had surfaces that had been "exposed to extreme heat" - the scientists even
were able to estimate that temperatures there had once risen above 765°C.
All these suggested that the airburst had caused "widespread synchronous

Besides these findings, the Hopewell sites also yielded "microspherules" -
tiny spheres, rich in iron and silicon. These are known to be produced when
a meteor enters the Earth's atmosphere, melting and vaporizing as it races
towards the ground. So their presence at the Hopewell sites would support
the hypothesis of a comet exploding.

Finally, radiocarbon dating of material from the sites suggested that the
airburst happened between 252 and 383 CE.

A fascinating theory, really. Who wouldn't find a certain tragic romance in
the story of a huge cosmic explosion sending a large settled community into
terminal "cultural decline"?

Except that there were questions about Tankersley's findings almost as soon
as they were published.

Just months afterward, a husband-wife team of German astronomers, Ralph and
Dagmar Neuhäuser, published a paper exploring some of the questions
("Arguments for a comet as cause of the Hopewell airburst are
unsubstantiated", Ralph and Dagmar Neuhäuser, Nature, 15 July 2022, According to them, the
microspherules, the burned surfaces, and other evidence Tankersley offered
- well, none of it spoke of a comet or its explosion.

And there's something else. One thing that Tankersley cited to support the
airburst thesis was that the Earth was at "increased risk" of such an event
at the time. Why? Because historical records show that as many as 69 comets
approached the Earth in those 131 years, an unusually high number. But the
Neuhäusers disputed that. The figure of 69 actually is in reference to the
years 220-589 CE, not 252-383. 369 years, not 131, so not unusual. In any
case, there's no evidence that these were "near-Earth" comets; in fact,
some of them may have been other astronomical or atmospheric phenomena.

What about the earthwork? It is just "one feature in a larger structure",
and thus an assumption that it is comet-related must also explain the rest
of the structure. Also, if the explosion sent the Hopewell people into
cultural decline, why would they build such a large structure afterward?

Tankersley and his colleagues did respond to the Neuhäusers - strangely
enough, in Nature on the same date as the Neuhäuser paper. Expectedly, they
refute much of the refutation. To my untrained eye, some of it looks like a
matter of differing interpretations of the evidence. Tankersley underlines
this: "There will always be some degree of ambiguity in explaining the
cause of ancient airburst events and tracing the origin of ancient
impactors on the Earth."

Ambiguity or not, there was more to come, for Tankersley. Another year
later, another set of researchers published an even more critical rebuttal
of the airburst hypothesis and evidence. Their paper begins by calling the
claim of a cosmic airburst "extraordinary in the face of hundreds of
archaeological investigations in the [area] that have heretofore provided
no evidence of a widespread cataclysm or 'social decline' in need of
explanation." ("Refuting the sensational claim of a Hopewell-ending cosmic
airburst", Kevin C Nolan et al, Nature, 9 August 2023,


* A chronological analysis of what was found at the Hopewell sites "does
not support the notion of a single event spanning 15,000 square km."

* It was not catastrophic synchronous fires that left behind burned
surfaces, this team asserted. Instead, the surfaces were used by the
Hopewell people for ceremonial fires.

* Microspherules were found, certainly, but a kilometer away from other
"supposed evidence" of the airburst. Not just that - there's no evidence at
all that the microspherules have extraterrestrial origins. Their observed
chemical characteristics are "likely indicative of a local soil

Nolan's team goes into considerable detail in its refutation. They sum
things up pretty damningly with this: "Tankersley et al. misrepresent
primary sources, conflate discrete archaeological contexts, improperly use
chronological analyses, insufficiently describe methods, and inaccurately
characterize the source of supposed extraterrestrial materials to support
an incorrect conclusion. ... [T]heir observations fail to demonstrate any
aspect of this cosmic catastrophe." Elsewhere, Nolan even referred to
"possibly intentional data manipulations" to support the comet explosion

Taken together, the Neuhäuser and Nolan papers spelled doom for
Tankersley's theory. His team's paper is still available on the Nature
website, at the link above, but if you visit that page today, you'll find
the title preceded by two words in capitals: "RETRACTED ARTICLE". In a
"Retraction Note", the editors say they "no longer have confidence that the
conclusions presented are adequately supported." Tankersley et al, they
report, "did not respond to correspondence from the Editors about this

Here's a question to ask, at the end of this episode. Because it played out
as it did, is science better for it? I believe the answer is "Yes."

My book with Joy Ma: "The Deoliwallahs"
Twitter: @DeathEndsFun
Death Ends Fun:

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