Oct 1 2023

I'm always poring over figures I run into. Just this morning, I am trying
to make sense of a Madhya Pradesh Government claim that  "70.61 lakh
farmers get Rs 26 thousand 94 crore 02 lakh". That's Rs 260,940,200,000 to
706,100 farmers, or nearly Rs 370,000 each for each farmer. Is that right?
Why then does the text below say "Every farmer receives a total of Rs 6,000
per year"?

Well anyway. It's some figures like these, and some other stuff I read,
that got me thinking (agonizing, more like it) about a scientific temper.
And that prompted my Mint column of September 22.

Wither, scientific temper?

(Note: I sent it in with a title of "Requiem for a scientific
temperament?"; they suggested "Wither, scientific temperament?" which (as
someone pointed out) is perhaps grammatically wrong, but I kind of liked it.



Requiem for a scientific temperament?
Dilip D'Souza

Every so often, there's news that makes me despair that we will ever build
a scientific temperament in this country. This column is about some such

First, take the truly awful recent front-page report, about two deaths in a
small Haryana village. Six years apart, two young women from there fell in
love. One, with a man outside her caste. The other, with a man from another
village. Both these caused plenty of local annoyance, not least from their
own families.

You know what's coming. Eventually, the women's own families allegedly
killed both. There are some ghastly, nauseating quotes from family members.
"How can you be with someone from a village nearby?" asked the mother of
one of the murdered women. "Girls cannot interact with men, especially from
their own village or from those nearby." The bereaved husband of the other
woman listened to his own mother say: "[Their marriage] is a shameful deed.
I would have never accepted it." And both households, the report tells us,
believed that "you cannot marry someone from the same village because it is
like marrying your brother."

And if these two murders weren't horrifying enough, we have the Chief
Minister of Haryana, Manohan Lal Khattar. Supporting a call to prohibit
marriages between people from the "same gotra and village", Khattar claimed
such prohibition had "scientific backing".

The word "gotra" usually refers to lineage that, to many people, marriage
must not violate, for that would amount to incest. I don't want to argue
about this, nor chase a precise definition of the word. But to suggest that
someone from the same or nearby village is automatically of the same
"gotra", as these murderers did, is, by itself and at best, questionable.
To murder a woman for such a relationship is a grotesque crime. That a
Chief Minister waves away such atrocities is unconscionable.

But that he does so by invoking science is profoundly disheartening. He
seeks a patina of respectability for an outlook that's indefensible in
anyone, least of all an elected official, and he thinks he will get it by
tossing us the phrase "scientific backing."

No, Shri Khattar, there's nothing scientific here. Just irrational hatred.

Second, take a short clip that's making the rounds. It features a young
woman interviewing Nitin Gadkari, Minister for Road Transport & Highways,
in what looks like a tunnel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LB9MXMEq2WU).
In fact, it is indeed a tunnel, being built below the western reaches of
New Delhi. Gadkari explains at some length why this tunnel is such a marvel
of planning, engineering and cost savings. Judging by the comments the clip
has attracted, this has become one more reason to applaud Gadkari's vision
and drive.

Which is all good, as far as it goes. But in the clip, Gadkari makes two
claims that might furrow some brows. The first is that the tunnel is 28km
long. The second is about people driving to Delhi airport from Punjab,
Haryana and other northern states. Using the tunnel, Gadkari says, they
will travel from Panipat to the airport in 20 minutes.

One problem: just two days later, there was news of work on this tunnel
being "80% complete" (
The length of this nearly-complete tunnel? Not 28km, but 3.6km.

Another problem: Even a quick glance at a map shows that the distance
between Panipat and the airport in Delhi is about 100km - most of it along
an arrow-straight existing road. What kinds of cars on what kind of road
will cover that distance in 20 minutes, meaning at a speed of 300 kmph?

My complaint here is not at all about Minister Gadkari. I really don't
believe he deliberately made these claims. He just misstated the numbers,
and these things happen. No, my complaint is instead with the woman who
interviews him in the clip. By not challenging these absurd numbers right
there - as any reasonable journalist must - she allows them to stand. One
more opportunity lost, for a simple reality check involving simple numbers,
maybe even a simple look around her. When it comes to numbers that they run
up against, why are so many journalists so willing to ask no - zero -

Third, a mathematician called CK Raju spoke at the Vivekananda
International Foundation in New Delhi a few days ago. One report (
about this event started with these two lines recounting some of what Raju
spoke about:

"Albert Einstein was a fraud who never really understood relativity. Euclid
never existed; he was an invention of the Church. And modern mathematics is
religious propaganda of the West that stole calculus from Indian 'ganita'
without understanding it."

Raju went on: "Einstein did not discover the theory of relativity ... he
was a clerk at the patent office who stole ideas from others." And "ancient
Indian mathematics" - 'ganita' - is superior to "Western ethnomathematics."

Raju's overall effort is one I - again - have no complaint with. He wants
to show that Indian mathematics has a long, storied heritage, with plenty
of stellar discoveries to its credit.

Now there's plenty of truth there. Aryabhata found a way to calculate the
value of π accurate to four decimal places - a value good enough for nearly
every purpose you can come up with, even today. He also concluded that the
apparent motion of the stars was due to our own planet's rotation.
Hemachandra knew of what are called Fibonacci numbers in 1150, half a
century before Fibonacci wrote about them; and in fact, other Indian
mathematicians described them as early as 200 BC.

There's a lot more in that vein. The question, though, is this: to make
this case about the achievements of Indian mathematics, is it really
necessary to denigrate Western mathematics? Is it really necessary to call
one of the greatest minds of the 20th Century a "fraud"?

So when he does these things, what can we conclude about Raju's confidence
in his own words? Besides, the way of science is to recognize what others
have accomplished and build on it. This is why Isaac Newton so famously
said: "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of

When we instead kick away those shoulders, what does that say about a
scientific temperament?

My book with Joy Ma: "The Deoliwallahs"
Twitter: @DeathEndsFun
Death Ends Fun: http://dcubed.blogspot.com

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