‘De-notified Dabolim land was not Costa’s’

May 22, 2014

l Sancoale Comunidade members challenge ownership of the controversial 8/1
land which the Kamat govt had de-notified in favour of owner Bernard Costa
 l Petition asks all “occupants” to be evicted and all constructions
demolished l This land marked for airport parking, now used for a mammoth
residential complex with flats already sold.


SANCOALE: 8/1 is easily one of the most infamous pieces of land in the
whole of Goa. In an exercise of brute government arrogance, in February
2011, the then Digambar Kamat government had truck and pushed through a
honey deal with one Bernard Costa, at the behest of Vasco’s most prominent
builder, to de-notify 36,800 square meters of land, marked for parking to
cope with the expansion of the Dabolim airport.
In one stroke the Airport Authority of India lost its parking land to
Bernard Costa for the ostensible purpose of his “family use”. Soon it was
used by Umiya Builders to build residential complexes and supported by the
Vasco builder whose name appeared in Form 1 and IV.

Now in a fresh development, members of the Sancoale Comunidade have moved
court, stating that they (Sancoale Comunidade) and not Costa are the owners
of the land designated as Survey No. 8/1 - first being notified as parking
for the Dabolim airport before being subsequently de-notified and given
back to one Bernard Costa for his “family use”.

The writ challenges Costa’s version of how he obtained ownership of what
was comunidade land as well as his subsequent obtaining of a sanad.
The writ seeks the stay and removal of all construction or development work
in Survey No. 8/1 of Dabolim village and wants the sanad dated June 27,
2011 to be quashed and set aside as null and void. The petitioners want the
State government and the administrator of comunidades, south to evict all
“unauthorized” occupants in the property.

According to the petitioners it was impossible for any person to acquire
the status of “occupant” according to provisions and Rules of Goa Land
Revenue Code, 1968 in the absence of State Grant. And in absence of this it
was impossible for any Collector to grant any permission or sanad as to
carry out any kind of non-agricultural activity.

The petition disagrees with the claim of Bernard Costa, who allegedly
claims to be owner of the given land by saying that it was purchased by his
then predecessor in a public auction from Comunidade of Sancoale, over
hundred years prior to coming into force the provisions and Rules of Goa
Land Revenue Code, 1968, and that mutation was carried out in the year
1996. The petitioners have argued that it was impossible by law to
substitute the existing name of Comunidade of Dabolim by the name of his
immediate predecessor in Occupants Column of extract Form I and XIV.

The petition also question the powers of Revenue department officers like
the Collector to carry out any kind of function relating to the Village
Community or Comunidade of Goa and also questions the legality of the acts
carried out by the Town and Country Planning authorities and local bodies.

That Writ Petition No. 270/2014, filed by interested Components of
Comunidade of  Sancoale, points to the absolute abdication of powers vested
with the Governor designated under the Codigo das Comunidades, and the
encroachment into the same powers by the concerned Revenue Minister in
political interest, the arbitrary translation of the Codigo das Comunidades
in English and carrying out of suo moto amendments to selective provisions
by non compliance to provisions of Article 652 of the Code of
Comunidades.The petition also points out how and why there is undue
interference by every Revenue Minister and the non-providing of appropriate
Administrative Tribunal to the Comunidades as required in terms of the
provisions of the Code of Comunidades.

The petition also points there is illegal appointment or constitution of
the designated post of Administrator of Comunidades by unqualified and
incompetent persons with nexus to politicians and alleges that there is
illegal appointment and recruitment of other employees in the service of
the Administration of Comunidades and the mismanagement of affairs by
Managing Committees of Comunidades, as a result of which blatant violations
like the claimed ownership of 8/1 by Costa and the deals struck on this
land takes place.

The loss of 8/1 and after

May 22, 2014


This land after it was de-notified, was divided into 4, with two being kept
by a Vasco’s most influential builder who is the co-owner in the land along
with the original names while two parts have been given – one to another
local builder for plots and the other to this party from Bangalore.

Immediately after de-notification the Airports Authority of India said that
it needed the land in meetings with the government.

AAI says needs land for parking: In April 2013 the AAI - stressing that
there was no other suitable contiguous land available close to the Dabolim
airport said that it needs land for parking along with other supporting
infrastructure like warehousing for cargo and fuel storage facilities.
Calling the de-notified 36,800 sq mts (in February 2011) as being
“essentially required” for parking the AAI said that the in house
multilevel car parking of around 500 cars was “totally insufficient and
cannot intake coaches and buses.”

AAI paid for land in advance: The AAI had deposited a sum of Rs 4.25 crore
in 2009 and 2010 (total estimated cost was Rs 5.65 crore),  saying that it
needed approximately 20 acres comprising of 3 packets – 53, 157 sq mts,
20,050 sq mts and 9702 sq mts (total of 82,913 sq mts). AAI also argued
that the lack of land was the main impediment in undertaking development
works at the airport.
Naval warning: Stop work on Costa land, residential complexes security
Naval authorities have directed the state to immediately stop work on the
de-notified 36,800 sq mts for security reasons in a letter dated March 30,
2012 to the chief secretary, South Goa Collector, MPDA and local elected

“It is assessed that existence of unrestricted civilian residential
complexes in the areas can be a potentially serious threat to military,
VVIP and civil aviation security. If the area in Survey No 8/1 (of Dabolim
village) remains under the control of AAI as originally intended (before
de-notification), the degree of threat would be significantly contained,”
the Navy’s letter says, adding that the area can be used as a safe haven
for disruptive elements and to gather intelligence as a full view and
access to the runway will be easily available to the civil population.

The site is about 200 mts from the main gate of the Naval airbase and also
close to the AAI cargo complex.

Writ seeking Contempt notice against Goa Chief Secretary, for “inaction and
lethargy” filed

A  writ was filed in the High Court recently seeking that a contempt notice
be issued to the Chief Secretary B Vijayan for his failure “to abide and
comply with the court order within a specified time frame.”

The writ was filed as a follow up to the PIL that was disposed off after
directions were given to the chief secretary to take a decision on the
petitioner’s representation of taking immediate steps for acquiring the
land within 6 months from the date of the order. This time limit ended on
The petition argued that the inaction by the State of not making the award
within a period of 2 years from the date of the publication of section 6
declaration as required under section 11 A of the Land Acquisition Act, had
allowed the acquisition proceedings to lapse and there was inaction and
lethargy by the present government which had not taken steps to reinitiate
the acquisition process though there was a dire need for the land for the
development of a parking area for the Dabolim Airport.

Selective continuity of govt, Mr CM?
Asked why the Kamat’s government decision of de-notifying  8/1 couldn’t be
overturned, CM Parrikar had said. “There should be continuity of governance”
If that’s the case then why isn’t the assurance given to the Union Civil
Aviation Minister on April 12, 2006 by the Kamat government that it will
make land available for parking, being honoured, by that same principle?

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