Quibbling and pussy footing about the exact concept and branding of Plagiarism, and even snidely defending it with disingenuous argument, the raging polemic among Goanet's version of " MENSA" has been quite an education, nay delightful distraction, for the hoi polloi of this Cyberspace. At times what the debaters woefully lack in wit, they amply make up in grit. While much erudite analysis, semantics and reasoning (degenerating in splitting hairs with spin occasionally) has been proffered eloquently, it appears scant attention has been paid to the question of consequences for blatant, indefensible plagiarism. Should we acquiesce in this miisdeed as a mere puckish misdemeanor with a reprimand i.e.a perfunctory slap on the wrists (say three Our Fathers and three Hail Marys as penance; but repentantly kneel , rotten heel ) or should draconian punishment be imposed on such transgressors as condign retribution and a stern deterrent?

A Caveat to Plagiarists

From a purely logical and fair point-of- view
All publishing authors should give the devil his due
When borrowing, if posing as if itÂ’s entirely new
The dire consequences one should regretfully rue
The aggrieved originators could indignantly sue
If with their seminal work someone did screw
Demanding retraction or compensation in lieu
For the vile, brazen skulduggery, plagiarists do
Like a bat out of Hell their morals and ethics flew
When sadly out of dishonesty this faux pas grew
Woe betide for the trouble this crime could brew
Such sly thieves could spot themselves in a stew
Besides the ignominy of having their own words to chew
They could find it very difficult to start their careers anew

Plagiarism is stealing and its consequences should be revealing.


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