A little bit of kindness

An  act of  little compassion to be kind,
Egoistic ,proud attitude pushes behind ,
Giving  back to the society ,
a duty bear in mind
Remember plants ,animals,  display emphaty like human kind.

A little act of  kindness elevates everyones mood,
A tear drop  on face , milk of kindness   promotes good
Spare a thought  towards  starving for food
Regret in times of need,   , ignored in silence stood.

In sorrow, disaster, misfortune  ,generously speak a healing word,
Avoid   rhetort ,revenge,   adding salt to wounds or  cross sword,
A helping hand to cross a road , aid a   blind,
Offer a sit to disabled  ,water  to thirsty ,be kind.

Spare and share  resources with needy and poor ,
An opportunity to serve ,those who knock at the door,
A little sacrifice  to offer shelter, shivering,or outdoor  in cold,
A blanket, a coat ,a sweater, unused and old

Little children by roadside   have nothing to eat
A  lame, blind   beggar,  starving ,hunger to beat
A lift,  a helping hand to those  in dire need
Be kind to widows, orphans, abandoned cry for sympathy indeed.

Sacrifice to give a raincoat,  slippers to weather rain
A thought  for sick,   elderly , suffering, writhing in pain
A visit to hospital, oldage homes orphanage  a  sound reason,
Touch those languishing for years in prison .

 Illiterates seek succour  to write , interprete and read,
Old, helpless ,lonely  a helping hand need,
Concerns to reduce   ,wants , selfishness, greed,
 Many a starving ,hungry,   naked thirsty  to feed.

Greatest  sacrifice  towards  others is time to spare.
Visit, volunteer  serve ,a  noble sign in human care.
Be open to  opportunity for small , little acts of kindness
 Never ignore,  a need  ,turn an eye of blindness.

Being kind  leads to happiness and immensely  to rejoice,
Be passionate to listen ,act to thec sound of inner voice ,
A word,  an act ,a gift   a choice to touch
A world of happiness, joy  means to  others  so   much.

A little act of kindness  is charity with passion
Desire for kindness, a life' s goal and
By kindness in God's eyes,  stock do  raise,
Showers of grace ,blessings  and Divine praise.

Wages of kindness is bountiful joy and pure
Enhances   meaning of purposeful life for sure
Source  for  needs   wants,  sufferings a cure
Comfort,  encouragement, strength  disability to endure

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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