Jose Eustaquio Carvalho


School and teachers you kept in touch,

 The Science subject you loved so much,

Humble and simple you hurt none

 Loved and remembered by everyone

 Tried to rise ,not fall.

Ambitions were tall

Not stopped by any wall

 Your passion remained football

You studied well to gain,

Your efforts were not in vain

Made you happy with the pain

 Goal in life  you said is  main

Married life you  admitted was fun

With a devoted wife, daughter and son

Regrets you counted none

A worthy companion to everyone,

 It’s the Family that made you glad

You are proud that`s the wealth you had

You took in your stride good or bad,

Nothing ever made you sad or mad

The sudden illness that    made you ill

 The pain and suffering that made you feel

 Nothing worked ,Surgery, chemo or pill

In the end, peacefully resigned to God`s will

 Your award in Science to remember dad

 In recognition with what you had

 Perpetuating his memory made you glad

The goodness will benefit a village lad

  Science and Maths award keeps your memory alive

 Thoughtfulness, of daughter son and wife

 A gift that will reverberate for life

 Encouraging the promotion of Science you like

Nelson Lopes



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