All polls, psephologist got it wrong only voters kept the secret  guarded,
close to their chests till the end. BJP was arrogant not to accept further
belittling the pre poll and post poll trends. The most humiliating defeat
of BJP and the loss of C.M candidate says it all, as the mighty humpty
dumpty had a great fall . May be the defeat of Bedi will cushion the impact
of BJP of fall from grace serving as  an  sacrificial scape goat AAP won by
a huge, unexpected, thumping margin beyond their wildest dreams,
pulverizing the BJP and extinguishing, annihilating  Congress, gasping for
breath in terminal stage of survival..  The consolation that the BJP vote
share has remained intact at 33 % in spite of defeat is a poor comforter
with no incremental share.AAP has scored almost on all conceivable factors
irrespective of casts, region, , education, religion, profession, income
based groups higher ups ,middle class, marginalized, deprived etc. It is
the BJP that tasted the worst defeat after landslide victories in Lok Sabha
with buoyant mood of win in Maharashtra, ,Harayana,Jarkand,Kashmir
considering the strategy as successful. There was migration of votes to AAP
from BJP, Congress, Muslims ,Dalits giving  a lead of over 54% .The other
parties like TMC, CPI ,S.P .JD(U)etc. came out openly in their support to
keep BJP at bay and it was a moral booster of combined opposition

BJP invested everything in its political armory from material, human
resources, publicity ,poaching of candidates to provide counterweight to AAP
leader and even the highly publicized visit of President Obama had its echo
in Delhi elections. The projection of  P.M as the magnetic vote getter has
seen  a downslide .BJP anticipating palpable outcome stressed  in advance
that State elections  are  local and not a referendum on performance and
mandate of P.M..It is indeed the loss of Modi stamp, Modi wave and
dissipation of his 9 month image of invincibility. Coming as it is after
massive win in Lok Sabha elections is no adverse inference  can be inferred
of repeat of performance in state elections as in the past.

Personal attacks on Arwind, giving time for consolidation,  demeaning daily
caricatures in press, ridiculing as muffler man, naxal and revolutionary,
anarchist, runaway, propping up AVAM to rake up of dirt on donations by
cheques, parachuting Bedi thus antagonizing loyal members, defections from
Congress, IAC turn coats, underestimating the adversary,  frequent
communalization of minorities, vandalizing Churches in Delhi giving
unfettered say to RSS, other fringe groups, blunder of immigrant remark,
faltering on Statehood to Delhi and land ordinance. Worst was complacency
and overconfidence coupled with unbridled arrogance of power and authority .
Modi sporting an expensive designer suit with his name embossed did not go
well with the masses. Quoting Amit Shah.”Entire world and countries are
keenly watching Delhi Elections and with this win nobody can stop us
anywhere”The strategy of BJP did not keep pace with competition, instead
relied heavily on past formulae.

On the contrary Arwind was admired for his simplicity, impressed voters,
who identified with him as underdog  capitalizing on basic issues touching
the voters, refrained from getting into the trap of personal retaliation,
In his well articulated interviews he calmly, convincingly, dispassionately
and humorously dissected the issues threadbare. All the tricks of dirty
department pulled out at the last moment failed to enthuse voters against
him and on the contrary received their sympathy, The rejection of dictat of
Imam was to avoid motivated communal trap

The offer of LOP in Delhi to BJP with 3 seats is the magnanimity towards
vanquished as the BJP at the centre is sticking to the rule book of seats.
Arwind has assured non confrontational attitude with Centre The AAP will
now have 5 years to repeat slowly the experiment of 49 days, but should be
wary of arrogance of numbers .Priority must focus on corruption (Lok Pal ),
women safety and girl child, delivery of affordable services like water,
electricity, housing, education, health The AAP is now saddled with
 additional responsibility and consciousness to deliver with massive
mandate. If they fail on their intent to deliver voters will not forgive
them and will be shown the door like others, who disappointed in their
execution of avowed promises

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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