The Bible and Christian tradition taught that alcohol is a gift from God
that makes life more joyous but that overindulgence leading to drunkenness
is a sin………There are many many many lay catholics in bombay who after
attending the Sunday Mass go to the local Country liquor shop and have a
quarter or half or full bottle of country liquor - some go to the local
whisky-rum-brandy-beer shop and take a quarter or half or full bottle of
brandy or whisky or rum - some catholic youth take beer……..unlike the
parish priest who drinks a very tiny cup of wine during the Sunday mass
eucharistic celebration due to which the priest remains in his senses the
same is not the case with some of the lay catholics in bombay……the lay
catholics are drinking bottle or bottles of country liquor or rum or whisky
or brandy which results in drunkenness and they start behaving erratically
or sinfully…………An interesting point to note is during the Sunday Mass only
the communion bread is served for the laity and not the wine whereas Jesus
Christ had shared the bread & wine with his disciples………In the Early Church
both clergy and laity received the consecrated wine by drinking from the
chalice, after receiving a portion of the consecrated bread.

Alcohol is a product of fermented fruits, grains and honey. In this
process, yeast is used to turn the sugar into alcohol. Alcohol is used in
many forms like as a sedative, as a cleaner and as an antiseptic agent. The
alcoholic beverages are consumed by humans, from the prehistoric period,
for many reasons. Large amount of alcohol consumption leads to intoxication
and hangovers. The regular intake of alcohol in high dosages, causes many
long and short term effects on the various body parts, like the bone
structures, bloodstream, liver, stomach, pancreas, heart, peripheral
tissues and mouth. Regular or high consumption of alcohol can cause serious
central nervous system disorders……Alcoholism may also lead to depression,
antisocial behavior, psychosis, delusions, ataxia, seizures, craving for
food and irritability.

In the catholic seminaries (college where youth are trained to become
priests) in Bombay the Parish Priests were not given any training on what
type of sermons they should give that will enlighten the laity to improve
their health & wealth………neither the Priests were trained on how they should
use church funds for the benefit of the parishioners…….neither the Priests
were trained on how they should utilize vacant church properties for the
housing needs of the parishioners……neither the Priests were trained on what
they should do to ensure that minimum 50% students in parish schools are
from the catholic community.

The Catholic Clergy in Bombay have programmed the native catholics of
bombay to remain non-combative non-aggressive non-ambitious
politicallyinactive this explains why catholics in bombay don’t have any
vision and mission and courage to agitate for land rights – govt jobs –
govt. housing – civic facilities……….the official magazine of the
Archdiocese of Bombay also does not have any content in it that will awaken
the catholic laity in bombay from their deep slumber………some lay catholics
in bombay need to pool in resources and start a weekly lay catholic
magazine and put content in it that will awaken the laity from their deep
deep deep slumber and make the laity combative aggressive ambitious
politicallyactive and make the laity agitate for land rights – govt. jobs –
govt. housing – civic facilities and awaken the laity to control the
corrupt activities of some of the parish priests who are misusing church
funds – illegally selling away vacant church properties and siphoning off
the money – refusing admission to children of poor catholics – behaving
like dictators.

The BMC elections are two weeks away…….and people are being urged to
vote…..but why should people waste their time voting when the elected
Corporator is only going to serve the interests of the builders
lobby……better option should be for citizens to go directly to their local
ward office and get things done rather than expect the Corporator to do
anything good.

The Kolis living in the koliwadas of bombay are preoccupied with catching
fish selling fish and drinking alcohol…..neither the kolis agitated to
change the name of bombay to mumbai………neither the kolis are bothered
whether anyone uses the word bombay or mumbai or slumbai…..but for the
trade union of the marathi migrants in bombay i.e. the shiv sena wiping out
the Portuguese/British history of bombay was more important than improving
civic conditions in koliwadas or providing jobs for the koli youth in
BMC..............for the marathi migrants bombay is a hen that lays golden
eggs for them…….most of the money they make here they transfer to their
native places in other parts of maharashtra for renovating houses or
purchase land or for marriage and for various other purposes……..these
marathi migrants have no interest in protecting open spaces mangroves ponds
wells lakes in bombay from being encroached by builders & slumlords because
Bombay is not their native place…….the marathi migrants are dependent on
bombay for office/factory jobs because the maratha politicians who have
been controlling the politics & administration of maharashtra did not
bother to improve infrastructure – industries – jobopportunites in the
backward regions & districts of Maharashtra.

During Portuguese rule the natives of Bombay were known as Portuguese
Christians…..when the British East India Company took over the natives of
Bombay came to be known by the name Eastindians……after 1947 and
reorganization of states when bombay became part of Maharashtra there was a
debate by the Bombay EastIndian Association to adopt the name Maharashtrian
but since the marathi people have monopolized the name maharashtrians for
themselves due to which the idea of eastindians adopting the new name
maharashtrians was abandoned and the name eastindian still remains…………The
Bombay EastIndian ( **********  www       bombayland.blogspot       com
************ ) community is Suffering because all their ancestral
agricultural lands surrounding their villages in Bombay was grabbed by the
Government, Slumlords, mmrda, BMC, landmafia, mhada,
collectorsoffice…AND….Alcoholism–Infighting-Jealousy………AND……Driven by
poverty the eastindians ( **********    www     east-indians
com   ************ ) were unable to get the requisite permissions for
rebuilding their own dilapidated houses and were forced to barter a floor
with the builder in return for one to live in decently, without giving
thought to where the next generation will reside and without bothering the
bad quality materials the builder will use to construct the new Ground+1
house which will result in monsoonal problems – leakages problems –
walls/floor as thin as paper and the resulting cracks…AND…daily consumption
of the unhealthy & unhygienic bakery maida pavs…AND…lack of interest in
education…AND…lack of interest in agitating for 5% job quota in bmc,
police, mmrdaoffices, mhadaoffices, rationoffices, collectorsoffice,
citysurveyoffices, town planning dept, urban development dept, building
proposal dept, suburbanrailways, metro, monorail, airindia, ongc, hp,
indianoil, rbi, nationalized banks, bombay/kalina university, iitpowai,
central/state govt. undertakings, public sector undertakings and other
government institutions operating in bombay…AND….lack of interest in
reading the Word of God i.e. The BIBLE.

Jorge Monteiro

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