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Abortion Vote in Portugal
Interview With Director of Family Action

LISBON, Portugal, FEB. 11, 2007 (Zenit.org).- It is a duty for
Portuguese Catholics to vote "no" in the country's referendum on
abortion, says the director of a Lisbon-based association that defends
and promotes Christian values.

José Carlos Sepúlveda da Fonseca, who also helped to found Family
Action in 2000, explains in this interview with ZENIT the situation in
Portugal with regards to the legalization of abortion.

The country was voting today on a national referendum to scrap
Portugal's abortion law and to allow abortion up to the 10th week of

Q: What lines of argument have led to the referendum on the
liberalization of abortion in Portugal?

Sepúlveda da Fonseca: The Socialist Party, with an absolute majority
in Parliament, has had the legalization of abortion on its political

In writing the question for the referendum, the party formulated it in
such a way that if the "yes" were to win, what would be approved in
practice in Portugal would be totally free abortion up to the 10th
week. The abortion would be the sole and exclusive choice of the
woman, and could be performed in state hospitals and health
structures, or with state credentials and financed by the National
Health System.

The government and other supporters of the "yes" vote state that the
"social plague" of clandestine abortion -- on which they present
discordant and unfounded data -- imposes the approval of this regime
of free abortion for the solution of a public health problem.

In addition to this, it maintains that the law, by penalizing
abortion, "humiliates" women, and that the decision to abort is a
question of, "inner judgment." They also state that Portugal is
"retrograde" in its legislation by not aligning itself with the legal
mechanisms of the practice of abortion, more or less free, of almost
the whole of Europe.

Q: In what way is the association you direct opposing abortion?

Sepúlveda da Fonseca: The many movements that fight against the
liberalization of abortion in Portugal have presented excellent
ethical, juridical and scientific arguments.

With these they have demonstrated that the liberalization of abortion
is an aberration, and it leaves the life of the unborn absolutely
deprived of protection from the legal point of view; a life that the
most modern discoveries and medical and scientific techniques attest
to as unmistakable in the embryo.

As Portugal is a mainly Catholic country, the association I head --
Family Action -- thought it was appropriate to add another line of
action to the efforts of these many anti-abortion organizations and
movements. We remind Catholic faithful of their duty of conscience not
to abstain from voting, and to vote "no" once the referendum is

That is why we have distributed 2.7 million leaflets throughout
continental Portugal, the Azores and Madeira.

As lay Catholics, we have reminded others briefly of the Church's
doctrine on the topic of abortion.

Given that the referendum coincides with the 90th anniversary of the
apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, we have also invited Catholics to
take part in a chain of prayer so that the Virgin will preserve
Portugal from this calamity, inviting them to pray the rosary.

Q: What forces are at play? Who is in favor of abortion and who is opposed?

Sepúlveda da Fonseca: The forces that promote the liberalization of
abortion are unmistakably the political forces of the left: the
Socialist Party as a bloc -- with rare exceptions -- the Portuguese
Communist Party and the left bloc. In addition to these are some
movements of civil society, more or less close to these political

A great number of movements of civil society are opposed to abortion
-- the so-called civic movements -- outstanding among which is the No,
Thank You platform, which come from several regions of the national

These movements have shown great vitality and an enormous capacity of
mobilization which has been translated into the holding of a large
pro-life march in Lisbon.

Linked to these movements are important names of several professional
sectors: jurists, doctors, scientists, economists, university
professors, sociologists, journalists, etc. In the political field,
opposed in a clear and unmistakable way to the liberalization of
abortion is the Democrat Social Party-Popular Party, of Christian
Democratic inspiration.

In the Catholic realm, several bishops and priests are making their
voice heard. Notable among them is Archbishop Jorge Ortiga of Braga,
president of the bishops' conference of Portugal; Bishop Manuel
Felício of Guarda; and Bishop António Marto of Leiria-Fatima.

Among the Catholic laity, several groups have committed themselves
actively in the fight against the liberalization of abortion.

Q: What can pro-life associations around the world do to support you
in this struggle?

Sepúlveda da Fonseca: I believe the first contribution of Catholic
organizations and pro-life associations is to make known abroad the
duplicity with which the government of the Socialist Party, led by
José Sócrates, the Portuguese Communist Party, the extremist Left Bloc
and the abortion movements have acted.

They have sought to confuse those who are undecided in Portugal,
concealing in every way their real intentions and eluding what is
really at stake in this referendum: the introduction of free abortion
up to the 10th week.

The "swindles" of the defenders of the liberalization of abortion have
been so grave and important that in recent days an article of the
newspaper Publico spoke of the democratic illegitimacy of an eventual
victory of the "yes" vote.

In addition to this, pro-life associations will be able to make an
enormous contribution by joining the great prayer network that is
spreading in Portugal and in several countries, imploring Our Lady of
Fatima to preserve Portugal from the evil of abortion.

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