Academy for politicians
It is one the best profession  to be followed
Attraction of perks, power, position, pensions, fame that beckons all and
sundry. THE parties too are forced on  consideration of winanilty factor
and ability to finance campaign and even demand donation to party fund to
issue ticket.The children of politicians,, are also drawn,as if it is a
family profession
It requires no basic  qualifications, experience or specialized
training.The past politicians make every entrant  feel  himself better in
It is becoming a specialized profession like medicine, Engineering,
education  etc and willing entrant  must be grounded with skills and
guidance to discharge their duties The representatives of local bodiies,
municipalities simply vouch to bring in development, which  is never broken
down into meaningful  parts to be precise The voters are forced to elect
someone. None of the above NOTA ,an option  that has no bearing   in
outcomes. Some publish a short of manifesto listing their  past
activities,  while projecting future goals,  more as a ritual, formality
,which is not binding  in any case
MLA's  and Parliamentarians, main  responsibility is to scrutinize,draft,
debate legislation that will affect the constituents Very few are ill
equipped and for most of the time remain silent spectators ,unable to
participate in any meaningful way.At best they raise some starred and
unstarred questions.Pitching for roads  ,connections of water, light is not
the domain of legislators, as there are spefic Depts to undertake those
tasks,Often they enjoy being seen at public
functions,inaugurating,delivering speeches at weddings, funerals,,sports
meet, etc to emphasise their presence  and worth

They hardly ever hold public discourses with voters on their needs or take
feed back on legislations, or explain the likely impact on voters
Hence all aspirants at any levels must compulsorily undergo training in a
political academy that will prepare them for the job like all others  Entry
criteria  ,eligibility may be decided on past involvelment,passion  for
social work and suitable basic qualifications.Experience at local
municipal levels may be desirable. IT may be recalled that many
representatives had no background knowledge, experience, of holding posts
in which they enter.
Qualities,  skills needed are no more to be taken for granted Politicians
at any level need administrative skills, ability to digest legislative
niceties  debate  and scrutinise legislations  and offer suggestions
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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