With such a hopeless incompetent man at the helm of affairs in India, how will 
the country cope with its economy after the Covid situation is over. 

There are only two likely scenarios:
The effect of this prolonged economic strain will require a massive government 
stimulus. Given their record, this is not likely to happen. So the private 
sector has to shoulder the entire recovery burden. This sector has shown its 
almost super ability before. In fact India’s economic rise was due to the 
private sector being allowed to do what it does best by Manmohan Singh without 
any interference. Modi just reaped the benefits of it.

The other scenario is a convergence of the perfect storm. Modi hobbles the 
private sector with all kinds of obstacles and massive bumbling like 
demonetization. China takes advantage of India’s vulnerability after the 
pandemic and sabotages its recovery with getting the Silk Route on the road and 
calling in markers from countries that owe it big favours or need Chinese 
munificence in their own recovery. Lastly civil unrest and dissatisfaction in 
India with complete trust lost in the Govt. After all people cannot be fooled 
all the time.

As for me my bets are on an Indian recovery after enduring years of pain and 
struggle. Who knows something may come out of a New India like after a bath 
that washes out the grime of corruption.


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