Agricultural Policy revisited
The tenancy  Act did not usher in desired agricultural revolution.The
economics of cultivation with scarce and costly labour sounded a death
knell. Large tracts of land were kept fallow.The cheap rice distributed
through fair price shops  and changed food habits  reduced dependency on
costly local variety of rice Cattle menance , dry irrigation canals  and
bundhs for retaining water were abandoned.Goa imported cheap  rice from
neighbouring  States to cater to rice consuming populace
The building loby underguise of farm houses converted fertile land   at
will with tacit support for monumental benefits.The  traditional crop
rotation for pulses. Chillies, vegetables . onions, sweet potatoes,
watermelons , maize took a back seat
The cumbersome , time consuming policies of subsidies on seeds ,
fertilizers , pesticides , harvesters  , tractors ,fencing , product did
not enthuse farmers.The vagaries of uncertain  nature with crop insurance
were loaded heavily against farmers..The facilities for local  milling
became scarce .The efforts at Mechanised farming with Govt machinery was
too inadequate and tied in knots at required moment. The field converssions
are potential outlets for flood regulations , as they also serve to drain
and are catchment areas for  excess water.The idle irrigation canals built
at enormous costs  must   be charged immediately to facilitate timely
plantation.The officials must descend on the field,  poto document and
release subsidies  to the cultivators instead of insisting on ownership
proofs .There is need to introduce high yielding ,resistant varieties ,
establish farmers markets,  build storage facilities and even extend loans
at subsidised interest rates to displace grip of  sharks money lenders .
Agricultural Policy  must encompass animal husbandry , horticulture,
floricuture, aviary to make it attractive and remuneration.Agriculture.
need to be treated on par with industry as it is the farmer who feeds
all.The world over Agriculture is heavily subsidized  to feed any
progressive Nation. THE most popular coconut is selling at a distress price
and so too copra or oil.The cajunuts are imported on a large scale and
palmed off as local variety.Mango the famous fruit of Goa is also on
decline with products flooding the market from all over India.The potential
for floricuture with  demands on the rise is a neglected issue.The
potentials for watermelons, groundnuts is enormous to be tapped
Agricultural Policy gets step motherly treatment as imported  vegetables
are flooding the outlets The food requirement of Goa must  be a high
priority even though Goa increasingly is scene as residential  , retirement
paradise  supported by  the climate,social ambience and religious
harmony.The recent trend of collective' mechanised economic  farming is an
attractive proposition and Govt Policy must latch on to this movement
extending quickly the intended  subsidies without procedural and
beauracratic  hurdles.
There seems to be hope on the horizon  with private initiatives gaining
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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