Cleaving through the disinformation that is bombarding the world during our
pandemic predicament, Chinese art superstar Ai Weiwei’s new documentary is
an astonishing feat of truth-telling, and a landmark in the cinema of

With extraordinary timing in how it was made (on location, but Ai is in
exile in Europe), as well as the juncture of its release at,
*Coronation* ranks amongst the most important artworks of the contemporary
era. The first full-length movie depicting the Covid-19 era is also its
pre-eminent masterpiece.

Everyone who can, everywhere in the world, should watch
 The documentary begins in a snowstorm on the road to Wuhan on the night of
January 23, the precise date that lockdown was imposed. We are inside a
vehicle churning towards the city, alongside an anxious couple. The film
ends on April 8, when the city re-opened.

 The artist’s website says he intended to examine “the political specter of
Chinese state control from the first to the last day of the Wuhan lockdown
[and] the state’s brutally efficient, militarized response to control the

It concludes, “*Coronation* clearly depicts the Chinese crisis management
and social control machine – through surveillance, ideological
brainwashing, and brute determination to control every aspect of society”
and “the result is a society lacking trust, transparency, and respect for

But while those aspects certainly exist in this subtle, artful documentary,
there are other eye-opening aspects that will be apprehended differently in
other parts of the world. In our South Asian countries, for example,
*demonstrates our own governmental attempts at totalitarianism – while
individually malevolent – are barely kindergarten-level compared to what is
happening across the borders in China.

In terms of crisis response, that can be a bad thing.

It’s why Covid-19 rampages unfettered in the subcontinent, while our giant
neighbour is already back into its (admittedly unverifiable) growth story.
We may not like to admit it – and the West has made it official state
practice to deny this – but there’s much to admire in China’s ability to
rally nigh-unimaginably immense resources to tackle its problems.

Ai told *Deutsche Welle*, “China is probably the only nation that could
achieve that with such speed and spirit. You can see how the state built
the infrastructure, including the emergency field hospitals, and equipped
those on the frontlines with the necessary rescue equipment. Those details
surprised me and are a profound revelation of human behaviour under
authoritarian control. Those positive, objective parts about a very highly
controlled authoritarian state are difficult to film.”

Of course, there are many entirely unacceptable ramifications to this level
of state control, as evident in China’s genocidal programmes in Xinjiang
and other provinces. Ai says, “China has created a society which has no
trust, the controlling party has never gained legitimacy through the
people's recognition but rather through police force, heavy propaganda, and
by limiting balanced information.”

He told the New York Times, “it’s not just how efficiently you make
decisions but what you deliver to human society. China has no answers

Thus, if there is something the rest of the world must immediately try to
learn - and emulate - from *Coronation*, it isn’t China’s battleship
response, but the remarkable integrity, humanity and determination of Ai

No country has any direct equivalent of this indomitable, irreverent
artist, but India is notably bereft. Its arts world is riddled with
fraudulence, and artists co-opted by an especially dubious marketplace.

One exception is Orijit Sen, pioneering graphic novelist and designer, who
keeps producing searing political images. He told me, “dissent in our times
is not a matter of choice. Staying silent in the face of systemic tyranny
is like committing a kind of mass suicide. Our collective existence -
communities, values, hopes, freedoms - is being continuously threatened by
the politico-corporate masters of the world.”

Sen says, “there are only two possible ways to respond: either bend down in
abject submission to their immoral authority, or stand up and dissent every
day and at every turn, regardless of the cost you may have to pay. I really
don't understand why more artists in India are not dissenting more visibly.
Ai Weiwei offers us a voice and a language with which we can all talk back
to authority.”

In this arena, Bangladesh is ahead of India due to the singular moral
leadership of Shahidul Alam, who, like Ai, has paid an enormous personal
price, but always refused to back down.

Alam told me, “Art is not the object in which it is bound, but the
enactment of the idea it represents. Ai Weiwei has succeeded in liberating
the concept from the form. Art is merely the springboard he leaps from. And
if art cannot be a window into unchartered waters, then it has failed. At a
time when the world has to be re-imagined, this is how we have to transport
ourselves to new realms. The virus thrives through its ability to mutate.
Artists, by helping us to adapt and evolve, provide the ultimate antidote.”

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