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"Why they [air bases] should stay with the Air Force"
Defence airfields, continuously kept in line with the requirements of modern
flying, and housing elaborate facilities seem to have become easy targets
for conversion into civilian airports. This is a terrible waste, as
facilities created at great expenditure will remain unutilised, while
similar infrastructure will have to be duplicated at alternative locations
by the Air Force. [This is a one-sided view and needs to be re-visited in a
balanced way. My initial reactions appear in brackets alongside the author's
H. Kaushal

In the early 1960s, the Government decided that Indian Air Force should
vacate Delhi's Palam airfield and hand it over to civilian aviation
authorities. Another airfield was built at Hindon, near Ghaziabad, for the

The other civilian airfield, at Safdarjung in Delhi, was found to be too
small. Suggestions to extend the runway westwards at Safdarjung were not
adequately examined as a fully operational airfield at Palam was readily
available. It proved to be a wise decision as Safdarjung could not have been
revamped to handle current generation jet airliners, and Palam and
Safdarjung were too close for present-day operations. [A comparsion with
Bombay's Santa Cruz, Sahar and Juhu airport complex may be illuminating].

The IAF could not, however, be banished from Palam because it would have
been inconvenient to operate the squadron for transporting VIPs from Hindon
[i.e. IAF's 'VIP' squadron]. Additionally, receiving and sending
consignments by civilian airlines, especially to and from abroad, had to be
done from Palam. Other similar activities made [military?] operations from
Palam a must. [But IAF has agreed to shift its annual day celebrations which
disrupted air traffic for days from Palam to Hindon]

The decision to shift the IAF from Palam to Hindon set a bad precedence
[precedent]. Infrastructure development has been the slogan in recent years
and adequately developed airfields [airports] are becoming essential for
growth. Such airfields should be made available quickly, as a lot of time
has already been lost due to various reasons, such as lack of funds, absence
of foresight and planning, and so on. [Closing of civil enclaves when new
airports do come up -- as in Kochi-- and as they are due to start in
Bangalore and Hyderabad --  and as is likely to happen at Dabolim because of
Mopa -- has also been a bad precedent when airport capacity is in such
severe short supply].

Defence airfields have had to be continuously kept in line with the
requirements of modern flying. This is because current generation Defence
aircraft need as elaborate facilities as civilian jet airliners. [Which are
the 'current generation' aircraft in the defence armoury?] Many would even
assert that the requirements of Defence flying are more stringent as these
aircraft usually carry a single-pilot crew against a complement of three or
four air crew (in addition to cabin crew) flying a civilian aircraft [not a
valid comparison].

Thus, decision-makers may be tempted to direct the IAF to build another
airfield, while requisitioning its well-equipped and well-maintained
airfield for civilian use. [Yes the thought has crossed some people's

Land issues

Another factor favouring such a takeover is that IAF airfields are [were?]
usually at some distant from civilian areas. But booming
development/construction activities have now brought these airfields close
to cities. Airfields, whether Defence or civilian, need a large area . Many
times this land has some complication or the other. [Defence airfields need
to be big only IF they also engage in armament training. Defence airfields
are also usually 'thin' as they dont need to carry the weight of aircarft
like jumbo jets].

In Palam, for instance, the airfield was once a village of 50-60 houses. The
inhabitants obtained a sanction to continue to stay there. The IAF had to
cordon off these houses with a security fence and provide the residents with
a passage through a tunnel under the main runway. This tunnel became a
security risk during the 1965 operations. Infiltrators could have easily
blown it up, rendering the main runway unusable. The Defence airfield at
Lohegaon, Pune, has to continue to provide passage to the villagers living
on the other side of the airfield, in spite of the fact that Defence
authorities have given the Municipal Corporation funds to build an
alternative access to these villages.[The Navy at Dabolim/Goa does the same
thing as these villagers. Its personnel regularly scurry across the runway
at a designated point to the offices on the other side after a plane lands
or takes off! Why was a tunnel not made in the 70s when the airport was
upgraded for wide-bodied jets?]

These circumstances lead to canvassing by influential people to acquire
Defence airfields. Pune, Kochi, Goa, Chandigarh and many other Defence
installations have been considered for such a takeover during the last year
or two. [Kochi is history. It reverted to the Navy 10 years ago when CIAL
began to function. The author seems unaware of IAF's recent decision to
relocate a squadron from Pune to Jamnagar. Another Pune-based interviewee
has rejected calls for a shift to Nashik].

Wisdom has prevailed so far, and the Defence services have been permitted to
retain their assets. However, there is a need to fully appreciate the logic
of not disturbing Defence airfields or converting them for civilian uses [A
balanced perspective which identifies areas where some concessions can be
readily made would be more useful].

Specifically planned

First, the layout of these airfields is specifically planned for Defence
use. [This was done mostly during WW II, for heaven's sake!] The airfield
has to house many facilities underground for safety, so that work can
continue even during operations/air-raids. Second, expensive blast-pens have
to be built to protect the aircraft on the ground during an aerial attack on
the field.

Third, accommodation to house facilities such as Operation Readiness
Platform for launching fighters in the shortest possible time, base
operations office, etc., are needed at Defence airfields. These facilities,
worth crores of rupees, would be rendered useless when a Defence airfield is
acquired for civilian use. [But surely they dont cost Rs 75 thousand crores
as the Navy keeps incredibly insisting Dabolim assets cost!] Defence
airfields have extensive network of efficient, quick and reliable
communications. These are required because of the speed of contemporary
Defence attack aircraft. [But they are not hardwired into the runways!]

One would be lucky to get time to counter an enemy air attack; there is
never a second chance [especially if there is a missile attack as would be
expected nowadays!]. The communications not only connect various important
places on the field, but must also link up missile bases, formations of
other services, such as the Army and the Navy, early warning radar stations,
and so on.

All these communications would be wasted when a Defence air field is
converted for civilian use [Cant they be dismantled and relocated?]. Last,
the configuration for Defence flying is different from civilian flying. The
majority of Defence aircraft use landing parachutes to halt the aircraft
after a short run on the ground. [In other words Defence airfields can be
short, not long as per requirements of jumbo jets. Dabolim is geared for the
latter when the need is for mostly carrier-deck flight operations, 700 feet
max only]. Defence aircraft need navigational/landing aids which should not
add to the burden of the one-man crew, the pilot.

This would require substantial support from the ground controller. On the
other hand, a jet airliner would be quite comfortable navigating/landing
with facilities that need little help from ground control. [Seems like a
self serving argument. Needs more factual basis]. Defence airfields need to
be totally camouflaged to avoid easy detection during an air raid. This is
an expensive proposition, not required by civilian airports. Further, the
armaments that need to be stored at a Defence airfield impose their own
restrictions on locating other buildings.

These restrictions are not applicable at civilian airports. Even landing of
civilian aircraft, especially of not-so-friendly countries at sensitive
Defence airfields should be restricted to avoid the air-crew of these
countries becoming familiar with the airfield's layout [This may be why
tourism via chartered flights is constricted unduly at Dabolim and scheduled
international airline flights are limited to Indian carriers].

Converting a defence airfield for civilian use would thus lead to excessive
wastage. Facilities created at great expenditure will remain unutilised,
while similar infrastructure will have to be needlessly duplicated by the
Defence authorities at alternative location. [It is time a high level,
objective, non-partisan study was undertaken by a Parliamentary  committee
urgently to review all civil enclaves in India to see which ones can be
readily transferred to civilian control; where some re-balancing of military
roles can be done to facilitate civilian operations without compromising
security needs; and what completely new airfields may need to be built for
the military exclusively e.g. for basic flight training activities].

(The author [H.Kaushal], a former IAF officer, is a Pune-based writer.)


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