Hey people,
A translation of Lino Durado's, 'Sorry! No Parking Zone.' The original in
Koknani is at the bottom.

Good short story -- where you bring various threads together. Interesting
narrative structure.
I had a good time doing thing. Excuse any errors - if so then very minor for

venantius j pinto

From: lino dourado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: 'Sorry! No Parking Zone'

Sorry! No Parking Zone.
As Lapit's wife got readied herself to sleep, she felt like needling her
husband who was reading the paper, sitting on the chair beside the bed --
like the strike of a bee. Considering the possibility that he may have
missed reading even a portion of the days news in the Navind Times; Lapit
was not yet bound for bed, until he had accomplished just that. Although it
could just be a minor bit of news in the daily, Lapit's wife upon spicing it
(the news) with ginger and garlic -- would set Lapit's forehead afire.

Yesterday, you were telling me, our singer and musician Remo-bab, on account
of having left his Hyundai Gezt in the No Parking Zone at Dabolim airport,
underwent a lot of stress and besides would have to pay up a fine. But
having paid a paltry fine of a hundred ruppees, a photo of him flashing the
V sign (victory) alongside his Hyundai has been published in today's daily.

However, its a shameful act that a highly educated and internationally
famous musician is playing with people's minds as well as disturbing their

But he did make known his difficulty to the CISF (Central Industrial
Security Force), said Lapit's wife, taking Remo's side.

However great(famous) a  person made be. the law (regulations) applies
equally to all. This time around on account of his being a celebrated "pop
star" if he was to be simply let off, then tomorrow hardened "bomb blast
stars (bombast stars/ bombastic stars) in order to explode bombs-- would
likewise leave their vehicles in the no parking zone. Then innocent lives of
people will have been lost.

Even I do not wish anyone's life be lost. But, our Remo-bab's clarification
to the to airport security personnel fell on deaf ears -- even though he had
introduced himself. Instead of Remo, if there was a Goa-looter, a Minster --
a thief-ingrate; upon seeing the red-light on the car, security, after
saluting (salaaming) and without any check would have cleared him, said
Lapit's wife speaking of the ways of government.

Just the other day after the back to back bomb blasts in Bangalore and
Ahmedabad, it has been ordered that security be increased in important
places in India and particularly at airports, and this applies to Goa too.
Whether be it Remo or some other named celebrity, it behooves that they
follow security precautions, and set a good example to others.

In the stress of the moment -- it being almost time for the Jet Airways
flight to takeoff for Mumbai, he mistakenly parked his car for a few seconds
in the No Parking Zone, when the CISF chiefs phoned the BDS (Bomb Disposal
Squad). And say what you will, but they there was no bomb detecting
equipment. And consider what would the BDS do, by going to places where real
bombs had been placed? Having thought this out, in the future I have
decided against going to public places.

Enough, enough, this is way too much coming from you. The manner of your
speaking makes you sound like a VVIP (Very, Very Important Person).

Perhaps I am no one (of importance) to the gvernment or to the publc. But to
my husband and children I am a true VIP housekeper and mother. Many innocent
people lost their lives in teh bomb blasts in Banglore and Ahmedabad. In
their lives there must have been someone to whom they were loving VIPs. Only
after Remo-bab introduced himself to airport security who ignored him, did
he leave his motor car right there and went to attend to his important
affairs in Mumbai. Although Remo was not given favorable consideration, the
Hyundai was thoroughly inspected and taken to the police station in Vasco by
the police; where it remained safe. After all this hullaballo, in the end
who to blame. And listen to this too. sinec it was his car, and on account
of him having landed in trouble, which loose-mouthed politician did Remo
call asking for help. Its time, the eyes of the Goa government opened.

So how is that?

Presumably there was a black bag on the back seat in the car. The airport
security regarding that it could possibly be immediattely phoned he BDS. Not
having bomb disposal equipment but after harnessing some other useless and
outdated equipment from Panjim, it took the BDS two hours to get to the
airport. If there were real terrorists bent on creating a cloud of terror
anywhere in Goa by exploding bombs -- then what would the BDS do, one
wonders. Will the Goa goverment at least wake up now and insure the safety
of Goans lives?

Now will you stop it or will this CD play all night, said Lapit having set
the paper on the table and placing his head on the pillow.

So the tablet I gave you is having an affect. Good. Sleep soundly. Saying
boa noite (Have a good night), she then turned off the light in the room.
The room turned eerliy dark. Outside it was raining incessantly. and from
afar in the distance could be heard the barking of dogs. Spurts of lighting
was followed by the sound of thunder. At a moment when the sound of thunder
rose appreciably Lapit's turned towards his wife
and dropped his quiet(saintly) dumb act.

What are you feeling for, asked Lapit's wife.

I am loooking for a place to park.

Didn't you know? These are my No Parking Zone days.

Lino B. Dourado

The original in Konkani

 Sorry! No Parking Zone.

Lapittachi bail nidpachi toyari kortana, bed-iche lagsor koddelir bosun?
paper vachpi apnnalea ghorkarak ganjil musa porim ek kuns marchelem tika
dislem. Vachinastana tea disachi kosli-i gozal Navhind Times-acher chukon
urli zalear, ti vachlea xivai Lapitt nidunk vochonaslo. Disalear chappun
ail?li ti ek lhanxi gozal zait. Punn, te khobrek Lapittachi bail arlem-losun
laun suad ditana Lapittachem mostok mat, tiksamnin ulpaitali.

Tum mhaka khal sangatalo amche gayek ani songitkar Remo baban, Dabolim
vimantola lagsor, tachi Hyundai Gezt gaddi No Parking Zone zagear dovorlele
khatir, taka bhouch tras? ani upott dhondd farik korcho poddtolo mhunn. Punn
aichea disaleancher, chiri-miri 100 rupia dhondd farik korun ani Hyundai
gaddiesoit tacho V sign ditolo fottu chappun aila.

Punn ek vhodd xikil?le ani on?toraxttrik famad songitkaran lokachea jiva
kodden khellop ani surokxea ibaddop mhunnchem ek lojechi gozal.

Punn tannem apli oddchon CISF (Central Industrial Security Force) odhikareak
kolloileli.? Remochi bazu ghevn Lapittachi bail uloili.

Monis kedoi vhodd zaum. Kaide mhonntat te soglleank ek sarkele astat. Az
taka nanvosto ?pop star? mhunn oxoch soddun dil?lo zalear falleam khorele
?bomb blast stars? bomb-sfott?korpa sarkelo gaddi ?no parking zone? zagear
soddun vetele. Tednam inosent lokacho jiv luksonan poddtolo.

Mhaka-i bhi konnacho-i jiv luksannank ghelolo naka. Punn, amcho Remo baban
apli vollok dil?li astanai-i vimantollache surokxa samballpi odhikareamni
tachem magnnem kannar dovorunk na. Remo-che zagear, G?y luttpi, chor-beiman
Montri aslo zalear, tachi red-light pettleli gaddi polloun ani salam marun
koslich surokxechi topasnni korinastana vochunk dita asle. Lapittachi bail
rajkarnnanchi ttika marit uloili.

Porche disa Benglure ani Ahmedabad fattat-fatt bomb-sfott zalelean
Bharotachea mukhel zageancher ani odhik korun vimantollancher surokxa
vaddounk koddok huhum dil?lo asa, ani Goyantu-i mottea promonnan lagu kela.
Zaum to Remo vo dusre namneche mon?xamni (celebrities) surokxa pallchele
kaide poile apnavun, dusreank bori dekh diunk zai.

Mumbai vochpachem viman Jet Airways suntpacho vell zalelean thakttichea
boballar tannem chukun apli gaddi thoddea sekenddam khatir No Parking Zone
dovorleli tedna CISF odhikareamni BDS (Bomb Disposal Squad) hankam fone
kelo. Ani kitem kai mhonnlear bomb sodpea thaim bomb sodunk favo teo vostu
nasleleo khoim. Ani oxe toren khorele bomb dovortolea zagear vochun BDS
kitem kortele kai? Hem chintun fuddarak public zagear vochpachi hanvem

Puro, puro chodd zalem tujem. Uloita te toren VVIP (Very, Very Important
Person) dista tum

Goddie hanv sorkarak vo publikak nhoi zait. Punn mhojea ghorkarak ani
bhurgeank ek khoreli VIP ghorkarn?n ani avoy zaun asam? Benglur ani
Ahmedabad bomb-sfottan khubuch inosent lok mela. Tanche jivitan konn tori
tim aplea mogacheank VIP aslim. Remo baban apli vollok dili astamna-i
vimantollache surokxa samballpi aikonant tedna apli? motor-gaddi thoinch
soddun gorjechea kama khatir Mumbai vochunk gelo to. Remo-nk bori vangnnunk
diunk na kori, punn tache Hyundai motor-gaddiek mat soglli zotnay gheun
Vasco pulis thannar veli ani gaddi mat surokxitt urli. Itlem nattok korun
xevottak zoitivont konn zalo? Ani ek aik. Apnnali gaddi ani apunn trasant
poddla mhunn, Remo-n khoincha-i G?ychea pochpochit rajkarnnink (politicians)
fone korun adhar magunk na. Velean, Goyche sorkarache dolle ugoddle.

Tor te koxe.

Gaddieche fattlea sitar kale ronganche ek bag aslem khoim. Goddie to bomb
zait mhunn vimantollachea sekurittink dislem, ani tannim tabortob BDS hankam
fone korun kolit kelem.? Bomb sodpacheo favo teo vostu nasun ani asat teo
kamank upkaronant tosleo pornneo (outdated) vostu ghevn BDS Ponnje thavn
Dabolim vimantollar pavunk don horam laglim khoim. Zori khorelea
akantvadeamni Goychea khoinchea-i zagear bhirantkull bomb-sfottachem?chaddor
ghalit zalear Bomb Disposal Squad kitem kortele kai? Goycho sorkar atam tori
uttholo ani Goyche porjecho jiv surokxit dovortolo?

Atam tujem somptelem vo ratbhor CD vazot asteli?? Lapittan vachtolo paper
mezar soddun apli tokli unxear dovortana mhonnlem.

Hanvem dilea ti tablet lagli kitem tuka? Sarkem uloilear tuka rag ieta.
Borem! Sust nide. Boa noite?, ani tinnem rumantli bizli paloili. Khalok gup
zalo. Bhailean pavsachi xirxiri zhoddtali. Kiri-kiri korit rat-kiddio
roddtaleo ani pois ravun-ravun sunneancheo bobo aikunk yetaleo. Zoglavmnne
marun ghoddghoddeacho avaz ietalo. Eka vellar ghoddghoddeacho avaz matso
voddlean ailo tedna Lapitt baile islean portolo ani xant moneaponnachem
vattoront bigoddlem.

Kitem sonspotta? Lapittache bailen vicharlem.

Parking korunk svatt sodtalom.

Nokoi tum? He dis mhagele No Parking Zone ache mhunn.

Lino B. Dourado

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