Re your public harangue to Albert who was merely giving us a pinag recipe, I
have the following to comment:

a) After deleting all posts with the subject line "Albert writes"....
Comment: This post of his seems to have escaped your deletion, since you are
commenting on it.

b) Who the heck is Albert?
Comment: He mentioned about being a D'Souza.

c) Why should I be interested in what he writes?
Comment: Your interest is optional.

d) He cannot even craft a descriptive line.
Comment: I am not sure he tried.

e) I decided to make my opinion known to Albert.
Comment: Your letter was adressed to Albert but you are making an aside to
us. Terribly impolite, same as in (d) above.

f) Albert, with all due respect....
Comment: If there is one sentiment absent in your writing to him, surely it
is respect.

g) "Albert writes" is patronising and redundant since we already know the
poster is Albert.
Comment: By that token your writing Mario at the end of your note was
redundant since your email begins with "From: Mario Goveia".

h) It is not enough for many of us to take the trouble to open your post....
Comment: Please speak for yourself. For me, it was enough.

i) Since you are not eminent or famous or notorious enough yet...
Comment: I was not aware these qualities are required to write on Goanet.

j) If you used more descriptive titles, I may be encouraged to open your
Comment: What would it take Albert to move you from mere encouragement to
actually opening his posts.

h)  For example, if you had titled the attached post "Recipe for Pinag" I'm
sure a lot more people would open and read the post than actually did with
the title "Albert writes".
Comment: I for one, am not so sure....

After automatically deleting all posts with the
subject line "Albert writes" because a) who the heck
is "Albert", and b) why should I be interested in what
he writes when he cannot even craft a descriptive
subject line, I decided to make my opinion known to
Albert, with all due respect, I suggest you use a
little more imagination in crafting the subject line
of your posts on Goanet.  "Albert writes" is a)
patronising and redundant, since we already know the
poster is Albert, and b) it is not enough for many of
us to take the trouble to open your post since you are
not eminent or famous or notorious enough yet, for us
to take the trouble to read what you write just
because you wrote it.  However, if you used more
descriptive titles, I may be encouraged to open your
posts, whereas now I am not.
For example, if you had titled the attached post
"Recipe for Pinag" I'm sure a lot more people would
open and read the post than actually did with the
title "Albert writes".
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