September 13, 2008

Dear Friends,

INERELA+ India Sub Regional Office is organizing an All-India Retreat for PLHIV 
Religious Leaders from 23-28th November 2008 at Nagpur, Maharashtra. Interested 
persons could kindly contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] See note below on the 
INERELA+ or visit for more details and membership criteria. 

INERELA+ is an international, interfaith network of religious leaders - both 
lay and ordained, women and men -- living with or personally affected by HIV. 
It is recognized that religious leaders have a unique authority that plays a 
central role in providing moral and ethical guidance within their communities; 
indeed their public opinions can influence entire nations. INERELA+ looks to 
empower its members to use their positions of respect within their faith 
communities in a way that breaks silence, challenges stigma and provides 
delivery of evidenced-based prevention, care and treatment services.  


The idea for this network was first publicly discussed in 2006 as a global 
expansion of ANERELA+, the African network. INERELA+ was launched two years 
later at the 2008 International AIDS Conference in Mexico City. Before the 
founding of ANERELA+ in 2003, very few religious leaders in Africa lived openly 
with HIV nor were they willing to be open about HIV+ family members. The few 
that did had no support structure and no united voice. In all but the most 
accepting of communities, religious leaders usually kept silent for fear of 
stigma and discrimination. ANERELA+ sought to address these issues. As ANERELA+ 
became increasingly well-known, partners representing regions outside of Africa 
began to enquire about a possible global expansion. The response to this need 
was the creation of INERELA+ . 


Sixty percent of people living with HIV are located in sub-Saharan Africa, thus 
ANERELA+ will not be merged into INERELA+ but will remain a separate, but fully 
related organization. Based on the realities of the HIV pandemic in the rest of 
the world, it was decided to create regional networks based on shared elements 
of history, language, culture and religion. The four regions are: Americas, 
Asia/Pacific, Europe/Central Asia and North Africa/Middle East. India, due to 
its unique risk profile and large population, is treated as a sub-region with 
its own network structure. 


In just under five years, the two networks have grown to encompass over 3,500 
members across five continents. It is hoped that within five years of 
INERELA+’s launch, the networks will increase their worldwide membership by 
over 6,000. These new members will mobilize their respective faith communities 
to provide accurate information and other services to an estimated 2.5 million 
people around the world, helping to reduce HIV-related silence, shame, stigma 
and discrimination, and thereby reducing the number of new infections.

Peter F. Borges,

National Coordinator, India Sub Region

International Network of Religious Leaders Living with/Personally Affected by 


C/o The Young Men’s Christian Association, Nagpur

140, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Nagpur – 440001

Phone: +91-712-2524 834, 2548 789, 2540 024; Mobile: +91-9923414559


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